Other Food Spots in Tokyo Area

    Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Marunouchi 2-6-1 Marunouchi Brick Square 1F
    This shop dedicated to the Echire brand of butter is located in Marunouchi Brick Square. It carries Echire's full lineup of fermented French AOP Charentes-Poitou butters beloved by three-star chefs and first-rate patissiers alike. It also offers pastries, croissants, and other items made with Echire butter. The world's first Echire butter shop, its popularity often leads to lines forming. We recommend their products as Tokyo souvenirs.
  • Ginza Kimuraya
    1 Reviews
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 4-5-7
    This long-standing bread company established in 1869 created sakadane anpan bread made using sakadane yeast, and its bread was even presented to Emperor Meiji. The anpan with a soft, moist texture that has remained the same for more than 140 years has a refined taste that brings out the flavor of the adzuki beans. In addition to the classic types of anpan such as keshi and ogura, others such as French bread and Danishes are also popular at the first floor bakery. On the second floor is a café where guests can enjoy sandwiches and sweets, on the third floor is a yoshoku grill restaurant, and on the fourth floor is a casual French bistro. The closest station is Ginza Station.

    日曜日の昼に込み合う1階を抜けてリフトで上がると、途中の2階も3階も混んでいましたが、予約しているフレンチレストランのある4階は空いていました。どのテーブルも予約席のようでした。 焼きたてのパンはいつ食べても美味しいです。 ランチにはビーフシチューを選んで、スパークリングワインとパンと一緒に楽しました。とても美味しい時間でした。

  • Asia Superstore
    Tokyo Shinjuku-ku
    Tokyo Minato-ku Minamiazabu 4-5-2
    "A supermarket in Azabu, a residential area with many embassies and an international flair. They sell a cornucopia of organic ingredients and international foods that you can't usually get in Japan. Called a ""Cultural Crossroads"" by some, it has a foreign feel and is often featured in various magazines and on social media. Their fresh ground peanut butter is highly popular. You select the ingredients according to your preference and make it yourself right there with their peanut butter machine."
  • Iwate Ginga Plaza
    42 Reviews
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 5-15-1 Nankai Tokyo Building 1F
    A shop selling some 1,800 different Iwate brand products from Iwate Prefecture under one roof, Iwate Ginga Plaza's shelves and displays are covered with healthy, delicious foods grown in the lush, natural environment of Iwate as well as gorgeous crafts created by the hands of skilled artisans steeped in history and tradition. A variety of events are also held at the shop.

    東銀座にある岩手のアンテナショップ。 乳製品など魅了的でしたがバターがもう売り切れになっていて残念でした。 でも、嬉しいことに大好きな『かもめの玉子』、それも栗味が購入出来て満足! 他にもりんごや、季節限定のさくらなどもありました。

  • Kankoku Hiroba
    Tokyo Shinjuku-ku Kabukicho 2-31-11
    A supermarket specializing in Korean foods situated along Prefectural Route 302 east of JR Shin-Okubo Station. The 500-square-meter sales floor makes this one of the larges Korean supermarkets in the country. Almost all of the supermarket's meats, vegetables, and other ingredients are imported straight from South Korea. The supermarket also carries homemade kimchee, cold noodles, gim (Korean nori), and other Korean cuisine essentials. In addition to foods, the supermarket sells a wide variety of Korean tableware and daily necessities. The supermarket's products are also sold over the Internet, making it easy to acquire everything you need to enjoy a Korean style life.
  • Kayanoya Tokyo Sta. (GRANSTA Marunouchi)
    17 Reviews
    Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Marunouchi 1-9-1 JR East Tokyo Sta. Konai Underground 1F Outside the Gate GRANSTA Marunouchi
    Located in Gransta Marunouchi, an eco-commercial facility in JR Tokyo Station, this dashi specialty store sells a variety of dashi soup stock and nabe stock made from domestic ingredients with no chemical seasonings or preservatives. The restaurant also has a dining area where you can enjoy dashi chazuke, a Japanese-style hot pot with dashi broth, both at the restaurant and at home.


  • Naniwaya Sohonten
    34 Reviews
    Tokyo Minato-ku Azabu-juban 1-8-14 Taiyaki Building
    "This longstanding taiyaki (fish-shaped cake) shop was established in 1909 and is located in the Azabujuban Shotengai shopping arcade. The man who established the shop was from Osaka and thus named it ""Naniwa,"" another name for Osaka. Today, the shop continues to makes its taiyaki the traditional way, and the sweet azuki beans used to fill them are slow-cooked over an eight hour period each day. Notable for their crispy outer crust and sweet but not too sweet filling, customers are encouraged to enjoy them while still hot. The shop also sells original products such as Naniwaya roll cakes, ""Azuwicchi"" azuki bean sandwich cakes, and taiyaki monaka wafer cakes; as well as shaved ice, kuzumochi kudzu starch cakes, and anmitsu sweet beans and fruit in syrup."

    しっかりと豆の味が濃く、本当にちょっとだけ塩分を感じるあんこが美味しい。 30度近い暑い日でしたが、結構ひっきりなしにお客さんが出入りしていました。

  • Jiman Kusa-moti
    26 Reviews
    Tokyo Sumida-ku Tsutsumidori 1-5-9
    Jiman Kusa-moti has used fragrant Japanese mugwort since their founding 100-years ago. They have handed down this traditional way of making kusa-moti sticky rice cakes all this time by using no additives, only natural flavors, for their Japanese varieties. There are two types of kusa-moti, with and without red-adzuki beans. You can use as much honey or kinako powder as you like on the non-adzuki kusa-moti. Their grass wrapped mochi and large kusa-daifuku rice cakes are also popular.

    昔、近所の高校に通っていましたので、近辺の美味しーいお店巡りをして楽しんでいました。 ふと懐かしくなり、数十年ぶりにお店巡りしましたが、こちらは綺麗になり、私が大きくなったのか小ぶりになったかな?と思いましたが、小さい分、ぺろりと食べられます。 そして、草餅が美味しいので、私はあんこ好きではありますが、あんなしを購入。 蜜ときなこのほんのりの甘さでよもぎの風味を邪魔せず、楽しむことができました...

  • Honey Specialty Store, L'abeille, Shinmaru Building Store
    12 Reviews
    Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Marunouchi 2-4-1 Maru Building B1
    This is a specialty honey store located in the first floor basement of the Shinmaru Building, just a minute's walk from the Marunouchi Chuo exit of Tokyo Station. This casually accessible store caters to those working in the Marunouchi area, and those passing through to get in some shopping. It is famous for the assurance that the customers feel because the full line of 80 types of honey from 10 different countries, which are all labeled so as to not only indicate the country of production but even the name of the beekeeper. They also have a full line of new products, such as honey marinated fruit, and honey marinated drinks, and confections sweetened only with honey. The Tokyo Marunouchi Honey, is exclusive to the Shin Marunouchi Store. One can carry in an empty bottle and purchase any desired amount.


  • Akigawa Farmer’s Center
    8 Reviews
    Tokyo Akirunoshi Ninomiya 811
    The Akigawa Farmer’s Center offers many items such as locally grown vegetables, handmade breads, jams, trees, and flowers. The facility also has an indoor barbecue area and cafeteria. It is also famous for being the largest market in the metropolitan area and many missions come from abroad as well. The Ginger dressing, carrot dressing and the chili soybean miso paste, limited products only available at this market, are particularly popular.


  • Tsukiji Yamacho
    67 Reviews
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Tsukiji 4-16-2
    Located in Tsukiji's Market's Outer Market in Tokyo's Chuo City, this restaurant founded in 1949 specializes in tamago-yaki (egg omelet). Their tamago-yaki is seasoning that goes well with vinegared rice, and all of the omelets are cooked by the hands of a skilled artisan. Every morning fresh eggs delivered from their contract poultry farm are carefully opened by hand, and the addition of flavorful bonito (skipjack tuna) dashi, salt, and sugar combine to yield the characteristic taste that is both simple and delicate. This is one of Tsukiji's famous foods with an irresistible flavor that spreads throughout your mouth. In addition to takeout items, they also sell the popular “kushi-tama” (omelet on a stick) which is meant for eating on the go.

    It is the perfect place for enjoying the tamagoyaki. It is fast and delicious. You have to try it, and they are small so you can try more things.

  • Nihonbashi Imoya Kinjiro
    19 Reviews
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Nihombashimuromachi 2-3-1 COREDO Muromachi 21F
    This sweet potato confectionery specialty store is in the Coredo Muromachi 2 commercial facility in Nihonbashi-Muromachi, Chuo City. It's the flagship store of the long-established potato confectionary maker Shibuya Food Co. Ltd., founded in 1952. They sell additive-free imokenpi sweet potato strips made from just sugar, oil, and potatoes farmed by contract.

    手土産によく買います。東日本で店舗があるのはここだけのようで、人気で忙しそうなのに、揚げたてけんぴは1袋ずつ小分けの袋に入れてくれ、ギフト用の箱には言わなくても手渡し用の袋をセットしてくれ、気が利いてありがたいなと思いました。 自分でもよく食べますが、自然な美味しさなので一袋あっという間になくなってしまいます。

  • Kayanoya (Coredo Muromachi Nihombashi Shop)
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Nihombashimuromachi 1-5-5 Kolldo Muromachi 31F
    A food and seasoning shop which focuses on dashi soup stock located in the Coredo Muromachi 3 commercial complex in Nihombashimuro-machi, Chuo City, Tokyo. The shop sells chemical seasoning and preservative-free foods as well as Kayanoya Dashi powder made with grilled flying fish, katsuobushi bonito, round herring, and Japanese kelp.
  • Tamagoyaki Marutake
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Tsukiji 4-10-10
    It’s a specialty “tamago-yaki” (type of Japanese omelet) shop at Tsukiji market which was founded in the late Taisho period. It is also famous as the family home of the director, Terry Ito. Only fresh eggs are used which are delivered directly from contracted farms who are particular about the health of their laying hens. A secret dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) is added and the skillful workers complete the fluffy juicy tamago-yaki. The refinely flavored atsuyaki-tamago (Japanese style sweet omelet) and the ebi-tamago (literally shrimp egg) are recommended as souvenirs of Tsukiji. Near the head office at the second store, it is possible to eat freshly made piping hot atsuyaki-tamago. Business hours vary from morning until around 14:00, depending on the day of the week.
  • Ginza Kumamoto Kan
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 5-3-16
    A shop selling local products from Kumamoto Prefecture located at 5 Chome Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo. Kumamoto treats and foods such as karashi renkon and Homare-no-Jindaiko, a popular local sweet, are sold on the first floor. The Asobi Bar on the second floor serves traditional cuisine and Kumamoto rice shochu from 28 distilleries.
  • Okutama Wasabi Honpo Yamashiroya
    Tokyo Nishitama-gun Okutamamachi Hikawa 717-3
    This shop selling wasabi-zuke pickles is located straight down the road from the intersection at the entrance to Okutama Station across the Tama River. The longstanding establishment was opened in 1921 and its roots extend back into the late Edo period. The shop also grows its own wasabi and sells foods made from wasabi cultivated using the pure waters of the Tama River. The shop has been frequently featured in the media. Particularly recommended are the local Tama ginjo sake lees, the same sake lees used to make the shop's pickles; and the extra spicy Wasabi Doraku pickles.
  • Akita Furusato-kan
    31 Reviews
    Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Yurakucho 2-10-1 Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan 1F
    "This local specialty product shop and showroom is located on the first floor of the Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan right in front of the Yurakucho Station's Central Exit a one-minute walk away. The shop carries an abundant selection of renowned confections, foods, alcoholic beverages, and folk crafts from Akita Prefecture. Filled to the brim with products on display, the store's jam-packed interior symbolizes Akita Prefecture's huge number of specialty products. Of course, the shop sells all of the foods which come to mind when one thinks of Akita, including kiritanpo toasted mashed rice skewers; Inaniwa udon noodles; iburi gakko daikon radish smoked over an irori hearth; and ""hatahata"" (Japanese sandfish), one of Akita's most well-known seafood exports. The shop's popular soft serve ice cream is made exclusively with milk from cows raised at the foot of Mt. Kurikoma and without any artificial flavorings or powdered milk"

    比内地鶏のスープ、きりたんぽをここで買います。 きりたんぽは、売り切れていなければ真空パックでないものを選んでいます。 日持ちはしませんが、やはりおいしさが違います。 あ、稲庭うどんもここで買います。 ※緊急事態宣言発出前の訪問です

  • Yushima Kagetsu
    16 Reviews
    Tokyo Bunkyo-ku Yushima 3-39-6
    This karinto (deep-fried Japanese sweet) shop is located a three-minute walk from Yushima Station and Ueno Hirokoji Station. They have been making good old-fashioned karinto here using the same recipe since the shop was founded back in the 1940s. The karinto here is a beautiful amber color, with a distinctive glossy sheen. Their unique karinto recipe was first discovered by mistake after they accidentally over boiled the sugar. Not wanting to waste the ingredients, they finished making the batch, resulting in the creation of a new kind of karinto that was both beautiful and delicious. At Yushima Kagetsu, they take great care in how they pack their products too. They have a simple and modest design, wrapped up in adorable kimono-like packaging.

    素朴な味が故に、食べ始めると止まりません。 最近は、地方に行く時のお土産に、袋入りを買っていくことが多く、皆さんに喜ばれます。 羽田空港に置いてくれると便利ですが、湯島まで買いに行くのも楽しみで、そこから私の旅行や出張が始まる感じですね。 大好きだった伯父が若い頃、いつも手土産に朱の缶を持ってきてくれるのが楽しみでした。 今もかりんとうを見ると愉快な伯父を思い出します。

  • Aji no Hamato (Tskuji Main Shop)
    11 Reviews
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Tsukiji 4-11-4 Tokyu Stay Tsuji 1F
    Aji no Hamato is a side dish delicatessen focusing on Saikyo-zuke Kyoto-style fish pickled in sweet miso. The brand's legendary flagship location the Tsukiji market was established in 1925. In the shop's eat-in space, you can enjoy Aji no Hamato's signature sablefish Saikyo-zuke. The shop's popular morokoshi-age, satsuma-age deep-fried fish pasted covered in corn kernels, is also frequently featured in various media. Served on a bamboo skewer, morokoshi-age is perfect for enjoying while exploring Tsukiji. Other tasty foods on offer include eel kabayaki dipped and broiled in soy sauce, and classic oden stew; both of which make great gifts.

    築地場外市場内 練り物と揚げ物のお店 串状態なので 食べ歩きにもってこいです 三種の練り物串、揚げたてを購入(300円) 大きさもちょうどいいです コーンは甘く香ばしいです ネギ味も飽きが来ないので 美味しかったです。

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