Historical Monument Spots in Bay Area Area

  • Old Kamiya Denbe Inage Villa
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Chibashi Inage-ku Inage 1-8-35
    "This Western-style villa was built by the businessman Kamiya Denbe, also known as the ""King of Wine"" for his activities as a wine importer and domestic wine maker. Built as a guest house in the Taisho period (1912?1926), it's a National Tangible Cultural Property. Entry is free, and groups are also welcome. Its Gallery Inage is available for exhibitions and events."

    日本のワイン王と謳われた明治の実業家・神谷伝兵衛の別荘として大正7年に建てられたそうです。(当時は和館と洋館があったが、洋館だけが残っているのだそうです。) 神谷伝兵衛は、浅草の神谷バーや、牛久(茨城)のシャトーカミヤの創始者として有名です。神谷バーで有名な「電気ブラン」(ブランデーベースにジンや薬草をブレンドしたカクテル)は、稲毛商店街のお店でも買えるそうです。(お茶屋さん「稲毛園」では、電気ブ...

Chiba Areas


The Boso Peninsula forms the main body of Chiba prefecture, and this is where you’ll find its endless warm water beaches and jagged mountains. Further inland, Narita - most famous as the home of Narita Airport - is a secret haven of tradition and history in the form of centuries-old Shinshoji Temple and quaint wooden Edo buildings. Chiba prefecture is also home to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

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