Travel / Tourism Spots in Chiba Area

  • Meiji Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Matsudoshi Kamihongou 2087
    "This shrine located in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture is dedicated to Kuni no Tokotachi no Kami, and holds an annual festival every October. In addition, the annual festival prays for bountiful harvests and to ward off evil, and the city-designated intangible cultural property ""Sanbiki Shishimai"" (three lions dance) is performed. It is close to Toke Station on the JR Sotobo Line, and is visited by many worshipers."
  • Sekiyado-jo Museum
    43 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Chiba Pref. Nodashi Sekiyadosangenya 143-4
    "Chiba Prefectural Sekiyado-jo Museum has a tower that is a replica of the one at Sekiyado Castle. The theme of the museum is ""The River and the Industries Related to It."" It exhibits materials connected with the history and folk customs of Sekiyado, in its role in transport on the Tone River, and the history of the Sekiyado domain and Sekiyado Castle as shown in models and videos. The museum also sponsors lectures about the history of Sekiyado and the local cuisine, experiential learning sessions, and other such events."

    The museum excellently describes the key role of Sekiyado for river transport & communications in the Kanto area before rail & roads. There are displays showing how the Tone river, by early 18th...

  • Roadside Station Tako Ajisai-kan
    41 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Katoriguntakomachi Tako 1069-1
    This roadside station is located at the intersection of National Route 296 and Prefecture Route 74. It sells specialty goods such as Tako rice and mountain yam, and fresh local produce. The adjoining restaurants offer set meals using Genkibuta pork, rice balls with Tako rice, specialty products, and various menu items utilizing fresh vegetables. In addition, you can enjoy views of the nature along the Kuriyama River and fields from the observation lounge.

    スーパーで購入している多古のやまと芋を買いがてら紫陽花を見に。スーパーで買うより現地とあり格安で品もいい‼️まずレストランでどろろと豚肉の生姜焼き、小松菜なナムルなどがついたあじさい定食を注文。どろろにはすでに味付けしてあり塩味が足りなければ醤油を足して下さいとのことだがちょうどいい味付けで基本的には不要に感じる 。女性向けの定食のような定食名だがどちらかというと男性向けかな?多古米は有名なコシヒ...

  • Isumi Railway
    68 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Isumigunotakimachi Otaki 264
    The local line which opened in 1899 and then opened in 1988 as the Isumi Railroad, formerly the JR Kihara Line, is a line on the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture linking to Otaki-machi, Isumi City. The line extends for approximately 27 kilometers from Kazusa-Nakano to Ohara. Popular with people travelling on the train, lunch boxes can be booked up to 13:00, two days in advance for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The KiHa gourmet train and restaurant are also popular.


  • Hi Koki no Oka
    40 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Sanbu-gun Shibayamamachi Iwayama 2021-ban 6


  • Tomisaki-jinja Shrine
    67 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Katsurashi Hamakatsura 1
    This Shinto shrine honors Amenotomi-no-Mikoto, a deity who legend says came to the Boso Peninsula from Shikoku introducing technology and culture. The shrine's Katsuura Big Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) runs from late February to early March when about 1,800 Hina dolls adorn the 60 stone steps leading to the precincts. Stop by at night to see the spectacle illuminated.

    An event in which 30,000 Hina dolls collected from throughout Japan are displayed throughout the city. Visitors can see various kinds of Hina dolls by touring the various venues. Numerous other...

  • Kemigawa-jinja Shrine
    57 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Chibashi Hanamigawa-ku Kemigawachou 1-1
    Founded about 1,200 years ago, this Shinto shrine honors Jingisansha-Kemigawa-Daimyojin, a composite god consisting of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Ukanomitama-no-Kami, and Izanami-no-Mikoto. People have visited from long ago, believing that worship here offered far-reaching benefits that included protection from calamities relating to age, direction, and dates, as well as effective divination around housing and natural features.


  • Roadside Station Takeyura no Sato Otaki
    24 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Isumigunotakimachi Ishigami 855
    "This roadside station is located along the Otaki Highway, and sells fresh local agricultural products including log-cultivated mushrooms and wild boar meat, processed goods, local sake and ice cream. The adjoining cafeteria offers menu items such as set meals using Otaki-grown rice including the ""Takeyura Gozen"" with Otaki-grown bamboo shoots and wild boar meat cooked with egg. It also sells bento lunch boxes with the local specialty of ""matsuri-zushi"" (sushi made for special occasions)."

    ジビエなどの食事、各種お土産、野菜なども売っていました。 とても広々としており、きれいな道の駅。 勝浦から市原舞鶴インターチェンジにつながる大多喜街道沿いにあります。 ソフトクリームが濃厚でとても美味しい。

  • Roadside Station Nambo Paradise
    53 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Tateyamashi Fujiwara 1497
    This roadside station is on the Heisaura Coast facing the bay of the same name is a fun spot for the whole family. It is adjacent to Aloha Garden Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture's largest botanical garden, which is designed to be reminiscent of Hawaii. Surrounded by palm trees, the facility has a tropical feel, and its restaurant mainly serves Hawaiian cuisine. The hot spring facility Tateyama Onsen Senri no Kaze is also on the premises. Accommodation is also available, so you can use it as a base for visiting the beach, too.


  • Roadside Station Kurimoto Benikomachi no Sato
    40 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Katorishi Sawa 1372-1
    "This roadside station is located along Prefectural Route 44. In the direct sales area, it sells specialty products such as ""beni komachi"" sweet potatoes, grapes, pears and strawberries, fresh vegetables and processed livestock products. It also has Ajidokoro Ippuku that offers set meals and noodle dishes utilizing local ingredients such as grilled Boso pork over rice, and the Exchange House that sells products from all over Japan. You can also enjoy fishing for rainbow trout and crayfish in Satoyama Park, which is on the premises."


  • Sogo Reido Sanctuary
    63 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Naritashi Sougo 1-558
    The full name of this temple is Meishozan Toshoji Temple Sogo Reido, but this temple is better known as just Sogo Reido or Sogo-sama. In the early part of the Edo period (1603-1868), peasants suffering due to poor harvests and high taxes decided to appeal directly to the shogun, but in exchange for a reassessment of taxes, the headman of the Sakura domain, Kiuchi Sogoro, was executed along with his family. He is enshrined as Sakura Sogo, a name derived from his Buddhist name, Sogodokankoji

    甚平そばに行って、麻賀田神社に行き、大杉に会ってきました。 聖徳太子の時代に植えられたそうです 宗吾霊堂は佐倉宗吾郎の菩提樹で、父子の墓もあります。 佐倉宗吾郎は、義民として、知られ、 江戸三代将軍家に直訴し、税金を軽くして、もらいましたが、直訴の罪により、父子共々、処刑されました。 佐倉惣五郎は、歌舞伎に なったり、今でも、農民に愛されて、語り継がれています。 I went...

  • Katsushika Hachimangu Shrine
    58 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Ichikawashi Yawata 4-2-1
    This Shinto shrine was founded at the end of the 9th century, branching off from Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine on the order of Emperor Uda. It honors Emperor Ojin, Empress Jingu, and Tamayorihime-no-Mikoto. Worshiping there is said to ward off misfortune and invite good luck, help with smooth childbirth, provide a safe childhood, and so on. A sacred ginkgo tree on the grounds known as the Senbon Icho is estimated to be 1,200 years old and is a National Natural Monument.


  • Inubosaki Lighthouse
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Choshi-shi Inubosaki 9576
    "Inubosaki Lighthouse is located in Inubosaki, the easternmost point of Kanto, and is known as the earliest place in Japan to see the first sunrise of the new year. In 2019, the ""Inubo Terrace Terrace"" will open adjacent to the lighthouse and is bustling with visitors every day."
  • Kujukuri Hama
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Sanbu-gun Chosei-gun Oamishirasato-shi Hoka
  • Urayasu City Folk Museum
    52 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Chiba Pref. Urayasushi Nekozane 1-2-7
    This museum is located at Nekozane1-Chome, Urayasu City. This museum's permanent exhibit starts with the outdoor Urayasu Town display and moves indoors to themed exhibition rooms of Umiokakeru, and Umitotomoni, introducing the life of the fishing village and its relationship with the ocean when it was at its peak. In the museum is a cafe restaurant and on weekends, retro Japanese sweets are sold in atraditional period style building.

    It is a great place to learn more about the history of Urayasu. With translating apps, we were able to enjoy our experience here. Free entry with both indoors and outdoor museum. There were several...

  • Chofukujuji Temple
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Chouseigunchounanmachi Chounan 969-1
    Chofukujuji Temple was founded by the Tendai monk Saicho in 798 in response to a request from Emperor Kanmu. It is famous for having the longest official name of any temple in Japan: Sanzugato Gokurakutomon Rengedaijo Amidabo Taihei yasan Honjitsujoin Chofukujuji. An elephant stone statue on the grounds named Kichizo-kun is supposed to fulfill wishes for health and long life. Increased wealth, and a happy family life to people who rub its feet.

    JR茂原駅から≒9km 道路沿いに金色の象が置いてある 敷地は平地で開放感がある お寺に対する私のイメージは静かで重い空気感です それは大切な事だと思います このお寺は明るくて楽しい 参拝客もほとんどが幸せそうに見えます 幸せそうな方達を見るのも気持ちが良い事です 創建から1000年以上の古刹です

  • The Little Edo Sawara Boat Tour
    34 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Katorishi Sawara A) 1730-3
    This sightseeing tour boat operated by Burekimera Co. Ltd is located along the Onogawa River in Sawara, Katori City. The area was selected as Kanto’s first Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings and visitors can enjoy the aesthetic townscape of Sawara, also known as Little Edo, from the boat.

    It cost ¥1,300 yen per person for a ride. The view was ok at the beginning but at the end of the river, some modern buildings can be seen at both side. Also there were a lot of trash on the river...

  • Makata Shrine
    46 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Naritashi Daikata 1
    This shrine is located in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture. The over 1,300-year old large Japanese cedar tree on the grounds is said to be the biggest in eastern Japan, and has now become popular as a power spot. Besides the Setsubun Festival and Otaue Festival (rice-planting festival) held in February and April, there is also an annual festival praying for bountiful harvests and to ward off evil on the last Sunday of July.

    One of the plethora of shrines in the Narita complex, it is beautiful and its surrounded by lovely old trees, monuments and a variety of ponds.

  • Chiba Museum of Science and Industry
    39 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Chiba Pref. Ichikawashi Onitaka 1-1-3
    "Chiba Museum of Science and Industry offers visitors a chance to use experimental equipment for experiential learning about the history of industry in Chiba Prefecture and the principles of science and technology adapted for these industries. Its permanent exhibit is composed of three sections: ""The History of Modern Industry,"" ""An Invitation of Cutting-Edge Technology,"" and ""Creativity Plaza."" In addition, it features events such as daily demonstration experiments, rotating exhibits, and manual training classes, and in the summer, it also holds planetarium shows."

    私たちの生活を様々な製品やサービスも、当たり前のようにそこにあるのではなく、それらを発明するのに、大量且つ効率的に生産するのに、あるいは日々の暮らしを支え続けるのに、人々の不断の努力と叡智が積み重なっていることを学ぶことが出来る施設である。いくつかのエリアに分けられており、総じて子供向けの施設であるが、勿論大人でも充分に楽しむことが出来る。 施設名に『科学』とあるが、展示されている構成要素のほとん...

  • Iwai Beach
    41 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Minamibousoushi Kushi Ground point
    "This beach with its calm, shallow sea is a great place for kids to play and a beautiful spot to watch the sunset. Mt. Tomi, a setting in the historic novel ""The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nanso,"" is in the vicinity, and the lovely natural surroundings include flower gardens too. There are lots of inns nearby, and the beach has events like seafood barbecues and programs for activities like dragnet fishing. "


Chiba Areas


The Boso Peninsula forms the main body of Chiba prefecture, and this is where you’ll find its endless warm water beaches and jagged mountains. Further inland, Narita - most famous as the home of Narita Airport - is a secret haven of tradition and history in the form of centuries-old Shinshoji Temple and quaint wooden Edo buildings. Chiba prefecture is also home to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

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