Bread / Dessert / Other Food Shop Spots in Chiba Area

  • Ichiyamaikesu
    71 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Choshi-shi Kurohaicho 7387-5

    千葉銚子にある[一山いけす]では新鮮な海の幸を使った天丼を楽しめるよ 海老かき揚げ丼 1,150円 先ず、この値段でこの分量にビックリ! 天ぷらの隅々までタレが染み込んでいる!このタレが甘くて旨い!流石、醤油が有名な銚子 真ん中の川を囲む様に作られたお店の雰囲気も良い! ランチ:11:00- 定休日:木 予約:不可 テラス席:無 決済方法:現金・クレジットカード 金額(1人当たり):1,5...

  • Onkashitsukasa Kadohachi Main Shop
    13 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Chouseigunichinomiyamachi Ichinomiya 3012
    A traditional Japanese confectionery store located along National Route 128, a five minute walk from Kazusa-Ichinomiya Station. The store sells all sorts of confections including manju (sweet buns), dorayaki (bean-jam pancake), and yokan (adzuki-bean jelly). Their famous daifuku cakes (rice cakes stuffed with sweet bean jam) are made with seasonal fruits such as their mikan daifuku with a whole mikan orange wrapped inside mochi and white bean jam, apricot cheese daifuku, rakkasei (peanuts) fresh cream daifuku, as well as strawberry daifuku.

    大福が名物のようですが、「あんころ餅」と「まるごとびわゼリー」をテイクアウトしました。帰路の海ほたるベンチで休憩、おやつにあんころ餅の甘さが良かった。まるごとびわゼリーは、容器の下に[原材料 びわ 中国産…]との表示がありました。予想外。

  • White Gyoza Noda Main Store
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Noda-shi Nakanodai 278

    小さい頃からたまに来ます。 今は月火木金の夕方だけ食事が出来ます。(HPで御確認下さい) お店の裏に広めの駐車場があるのですが、入口がわかりにくく、いつも行き過ぎてUターンします。 昔からいるおばさんは、いつも元気です。 お漬物が無くなったり、ひと皿の数が減ったりしていますが、またしばらくしたら来たくなるくせになる餃子です。

  • Tateyama Nakamuraya Tateyama Station Store
    88 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Tateyamashi Houjou 1882
    This bakery, founded in 1919, is located one minute walk from the east exit of Tateyama Station. The bread sold in the store is additive-free, and made by skilled bakers using traditional methods. The shop sells baked confectionery as well as the anpan (a bun filled with red bean paste) made with carefully selected red beans, and a kashiwamochi (oak leaf) shaped cream bun, a favorite since the establishment of the shop.


    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Tateyamashi Houjou 1901-50
    This Western-style sweet shop in Hojo, Tateyama City makes cake and pastries with carefully selected ingredients. They have lots of items that are as popular as gifts as they are for eating at home, like their Cochin Roll, a dessert made with eggs from locally raised Cochin hens, and their Shio-no-Hana, souffle cake with a cream cheese filling.

    雑誌に載っていたのでわくわくしながらいきましたがタイミングが悪かったようでもたもたした感じがありました お店の前の駐車場も残念ながら止めにくかったです 近くの本屋さんが広い駐車場なのでそちらに置いて歩いて行きました カフェテリアはとても狭くてゆっくりできませんでした

    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Chibashi Mihama-ku Toyosuna 1-1 Aeon Mall Makuhari New City / Grand Mall 3F
    This is the food court on the third floor of AEON Mall Makuhari New City. It hosts Chinese, Korean, and Thai restaurants, and a variety of specialty shops serving fare like ramen noodles, okonomiyaki pancakes, seafood on rice, beef tongue, and more. They have live jazz every Saturday night.
  • Cafe de Juin
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Kashiwashi Matsugasaki 812-2
    This cake shop is in Matsugasaki, Kashiwa City. They always have 30 kinds of cake available, as well as a variety of desserts and pastries including crepes, cream puffs, pies, parfaits, and seasonal shaved ice. For lunch, they serve sandwiches, gratin, curry, pasta, and more. They have an open area that allows pets if you want to bring your dog along.


  • Queens Cake
    23 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Katsurashi Ichinokawa 1381-2
    This cake shop is on Prefectural Route 174 in Ichinokawa, Katsuura City. Their Camembert Cheesecake was awarded the Chairman's Prize at the National Confectionery Exposition. They also sell seasonal cakes, baked sweets, standard items, and more. It has a cafe area as well if you'd like to eat on the premises. It's a popular out-of-the-way shop in the mountains en-route from Onjuku to Otaki.

    いすみ市と勝浦市の境界の近く パティシエが何かのコンテストで受賞した写真が店内にある 美味しいのかもしれません 朝ご飯を食べたばかりなので食べるのはパス 家に戻ってからグーグルマップで見ると巨大な宗教施設の出入口に建っている事が判る

  • Pman
    13 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Minamibousoushi Wadachounigaura 114
    This restaurant on the Sotobo-Kuroshio Line specializes in whale cuisine. They offer a variety of dishes featuring carefully selected Baird's beaked whale landed at Wada Fishing Port. Menu items include Japanese style set meals, a la carte items like sashimi, Korean yukhoe, and fried meat chunks, as well as rice bowls and cutlet curries, all featuring whale. Additional items include meal sets like their Sangayaki, Minamiboso fishermen's fare with horse mackerel and pacific mackerel.

    新型コロナ禍の最中、テイクアウトにしようか迷ったのですが、お客さんが1人だけだったので、入店して食事しました。一応、テーブル席にはアクリル板が立ててあり、対面の人を考慮した対策がなされていました。 土産物屋で売っているハムや缶詰のクジラ肉は、硬くてすじっぽいですが、ここの揚げたて鯨は超柔らかく、感動しました。カツもじゅわっと脂が飛び出すほどで、竜田揚げの柔らかさにさらにびっくりです。やはり、調理仕...

  • Le Ceebe
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Minamibousoushi Chikurachouminamiasai 1069-1
    This confectionery shop is on the Boso Flower Line in Minamiasai, Chikura-cho, Minamiboso City. They sell cakes and baked sweets made with seasonal ingredients, and their popular Nameraka Pudding is limited to 12 servings a day. They have a cafe too, so you can select one of the items from their colorful showcase and eat it right there.

    美味しく食べてしまいました。写真撮り忘れました。 店の前に駐車スペースあります。イートインも可能なようです。 結構種類があり迷いました。 中々行けないけど、近くに行く際はまたお伺いしたいとおもいます。 車が無いと難しいかも。

  • Kintoki no Amataro
    51 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Naritashi Hanazakichou 527
    This obanyaki treat specialty shop is on the approach to Naritasan Shinshoji Temple. Their Amataro-yaki features their own thin, crispy crust and is packed with homemade bean paste. They sell adzuki an (red bean paste) and shiro-an (white bean paste) varieties, and they're a popular snack with visitors walking to and from the temple.

    This is the best red bean bun I have tried in Japan. The red/white bean filling is delicious, soft and sweet. The filling is very full; the bun is very fulfilling. It is of course best to eat it when...

  • Minamitei Nature Sweets Factory
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Futtsushi Kanaya Within 2288 The Fish
    "Minamitei Nature Sweets Factory is located inside ""the Fish"", a commercial facility in Kanaya. It sells baked goods, such as the Nokogiriyama Baumkuchen, made with Nanohana eggs from Kimitsu and milk from the village of Miyoshi., and the Yawaraka Baumkuchen, made with fresh cream. The adjacent Japanese-style confectionary sells Kokuto Manju, made with domestic brown sugar and honey, and other such treats."
  • Goto Dangoya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Naritashi Kamichou 499
    Goto Dangoya sells Dango (rice dumplings) along the approach to Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Kami-cho in the city of Narita. It is a teahouse with a long history, having been founded in 1845. Every morning, a mortar and pestle is used to pound the day's Mochi (rice paste), and the roasted Dango are then basted with a secret dipping sauce to create Yakidango, which are just one of the sweets that the shop sells. It has a tatami room furnished with low tea tables and is fine place for visitors to the temple to stop off and rest.
  • Ougiya
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Funabashishi Matsugaoka 4-23-1
    This shop makes wagashi Japanese sweets from Tokachi, Hokkaido grown adzuki beans, Tanba, Hyogo Prefecture grown dainagon beans, shirozara sugar, and alkaline ionized water. Products include their Ningyo-yaki based on the Bakamen Dance in Funabashi's fishing town and shortbread with an image of Chiba-kun, Chiba Prefecture's mascot. They make over 100 kinds of fresh, top-grade seasonal wagashi sweets annually.

    昨年は食べそびれましたので、柏餅のはしごです。 まずはこちらのお店をネットで発見しました。 10時30分頃に到着すると既に行列(笑) 混雑と、ソーシャルディスタンスの維持の為ですね。 柏餅と練りきりを買いました。 ご馳走様でした。

  • Sakekasu Shizen Kobo Fukuchan no Pan
    Chiba Pref. Katorigunkouzakimachi Kouzakihonjuku 639-6
    Sakekasu Shizen Kobo Fukuchan no Pan is a bakery located along the Tone Suigo Line Highway in Kozaki Honshuku in the town of Kozaki in Katori County. It makes bread dough using natural leavening derived from the sake lees that result from the sake brewing process at Terada Honke, a brewery located in Kozaki Town. It also makes and sells soy milk bread, made with soy milk from the tofu shop Tsuki no Tofu, also located in Kozaki Town.
  • Ishigama Pan Koubo Saffron (Shin-matsudo shop)
    Chiba Pref. Matsudoshi Shinmatsudokita 2-17-4
    Ishigama Pan Koubo Saffron makes and sells bread made with Tanzawa leavening French bread starter and stone-ground whole grain flour and baked in a stone oven. It also sells seasonally limited varieties of bread, such as Shin Matsudo Tsubu-iri Anpan, made with coarsely ground azuki beans of Mt. Yotei in Hokkaido, and Kurogome Shokupan, which has black rice kneaded into the dough, along with sandwiches. An eat-in corner on the premises allows customers to enjoy freshly baked bread.
  • Tagosaku Senbei Main Shop
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Chibashi Chuou-ku Shinjuku 1-20-5
    This senbei rice cracker shop located along the Oami Highway sells senbei grilled one by one over charcoals with batter made with a traditional method from long ago, and finished with a special sauce. It uses only the finest ingredients, such as koshihikari rice from Chiba Prefecture for the batter, and natural soy sauce also from Chiba Prefecture that uses no additives.

    60有余年の歴史がある煎餅屋で、軽い口当たりの手焼き煎餅が評判のお店です。白幡神社裏の本店では、店頭で一枚一枚手焼きしているところを見学出来ます。醤油の産地として有名な千葉県産醤油の風味豊かな煎餅は、地元では手土産としても有名でどなたにも喜ばれる味だと思います。本店は駅(最寄駅は京成電鉄千葉線 千葉中央駅)まで多少距離があります、JR・京成の千葉駅に隣接する千葉そごう内地下1階にある売り場の利用が...

  • Kashiwaya Monakaten
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Katorishi Sawara I 569
    This monaka (sweet with red bean jam sandwiched between thin crisp wafers) shop is located along Prefectural Route 55 and was opened in 1927. It manufactures and sells various types of monaka filled with chunky or fine bean paste, white bean paste, yuzu-flavored bean paste using yuzu citrus harvested every year, bean paste using brown sugar or chestnuts. In addition, their bite-sized monaka are very popular even as gifts.


  • Le Patissier Yokoyama (Yatsu Store)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Narashinoshi Yatsu 4-8-45
    This pastry shop located in Narashino City, Chiba Prefecture offers pastries with ingredients specially selected by the chef, and is where you can enjoy cakes using seasonal ingredients, pudding and pies. They can also create cakes with original paintings or transferred photos. Their sizeable pastries are loved by local residents.
  • Deli-Cafe Tick Tock Diner
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Chiba Pref. Urayasushi Maihama 2-11 Disney Ambassador Hotel
    This deli and cafe is in the Disney Ambassador Hotel. Replicating a 1950's American diner, they serve Mickey Mouse themed baked goods, focaccia and bagel sandwiches, and more. Their cute cakes and other baked items are available for takeout.

Chiba Areas


The Boso Peninsula forms the main body of Chiba prefecture, and this is where you’ll find its endless warm water beaches and jagged mountains. Further inland, Narita - most famous as the home of Narita Airport - is a secret haven of tradition and history in the form of centuries-old Shinshoji Temple and quaint wooden Edo buildings. Chiba prefecture is also home to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

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