Soba / Udon Spots in Saitama Area

  • Matsugoan Jingoro
    27 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Matsugo 272-2
    A soba and udon noodle shop that first opened in 1984. They focus not just on delicious flavor but also the health and nutrition of their food and make both their soba and udon noodles with their own unique recipe. They actively promote local Tokorozawa goods and along with standard menu, their special seasonal soba and udon noodles as well as a la carte options are popular.


  • Shingen
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Kitaharacho 1347-1
    A pleasant soba noodle restaurant with a Japanese-style exterior and tatami flooring. From the restaurant windows you can look out at their bamboo thicket and stone lanterns, and when bamboo shoots are in season, they add bamboo shoot tempura to their menu. Highly recommended is their Ten-Seiro dish which consists of assorted tempura and their specialty thin yet springy soba noodles. Their tempura is very popular and sometimes sells out quickly so it's best to visit early.
  • Kincho
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Saiwaicho 6-13
    An udon noodle shop just across the street from the Toki no Kane bell tower, the symbol of Kawagoe. This shop is well known as a great place to try Kawagoe's specialty Imo-Udon (potato udon). The exterior of the shop looks like a classic style house and the interior offers both tatami seating and counter seating in the style of a dug out lowered table. Imo-Udon is a thinner style of udon noodle made with about 20% sweet potato. They offer both Imo-Udon and handmade udon but please make sure to try the Imo-Udon.

    時の鐘の斜め前にある店。周りが「きんちょう」という名前の店多いので同じ会社がいろいろやっているのだなと。 昼食時に訪問、サツマイモを練り込んだうどんが名物らしい。 何処で作っているのかわからず、カウンター7席に座敷テーブル席が3組。 テーブル席は12人くらい座れるが混雑時は当然相席。 ある程度注文順番に出てくるが、5-6個まとめて出てくるので、注文の速さ関係なし。 麺は太く硬い。讃岐うど...

  • Zenmi Hasumi
    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Kosenbamachi 2-15-10
    A peaceful restaurant set away from the hustle and bustle of the city. They use the carefully guarded secret techniques of Ichikawa's Issa-An Tea-House's soba recipe and along with hand-made soba they also offer duck cuisine and various course meals for everything from lunch to banquets. Their hand-made soba is made with a careful focus on domestic ingredients and the broth, which has been worked and expanded since their opening, blends the flavor of soy sauce, mirin, and bonito to create an outstanding flavor.

    川越観光の際にランチで利用しました。 閑静な住宅街にひっそりとある感じで穴場的なお店だと思っていましたが、 少し離れた道沿いに駐車場と看板があったので通りすがりに入る人もいそうです。 鴨汁がお薦めとHPに載っていたので迷わず注文。 鴨の鉄板焼きとセットになっていてとってもお得なメニューでした。 鴨はしっかりとした歯ごたえで、臭みなく美味しかったです。 お蕎麦もつるんと喉越しよいお蕎麦でお薦めのお店...

  • Tsumugi
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Yokozemachi Yokoze 4248-1
    This soba buckwheat noodle restaurant is located near Hitsujiyama Park in Yokoze, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. With a focus on authentic handmade soba noodles using only buckwheat flour that uses spring water, they offer a diverse menu including tempura rice bowls and buckwheat dumplings. Their popular combo set lets you try their soba noodles, udon noodles, and vegetable and seafood tempura together.

    週末気晴らしに家族で秩父へドライブし、羊山公園の手前にあるそば処紡でランチしました。 テーブルの他にお座敷もあり、結構広いです。 うどんもありますが、お蕎麦が美味しそうなので天ざる蕎麦を注文。 薄緑色のお蕎麦はコシがあって喉越しが良く、期待通りに美味しいです^_^ 天ぷらもたくさんあり、蕎麦湯も美味しかったです! 子供が注文した親子丼も美味しそうでした。 お値段は高めですが、美味しいお...

  • Sukifune
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Higashichichibumura Mido 441
    This restaurant is located inside “Roadside Station Washi-no-Sato Higashi-Chichibu” in Mido, Higashi-Chichibu Village, Chichibu County. In addition to offering handmade soba buckwheat and udon noodles, along with seasonal vegetables and tempura, there is also a menu with specials intended for groups (which requires a reservation). They also have a workshop for making soba and udon noodles by hand (reservation required), and you can eat the freshly made soba and udon noodles you made yourself.


  • Teuchi Udon Hara
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Hidaka-shi Komagawa 1-10-7
    This udon noodle shop is located in Komagawa 1-chome, Hidaka City. They provide handmade udon using 100% high quality flour from the prefecture. Here you can taste the popular “Hara Udon Set” served with fried vegetables and duck tsukune in a duck meat broth, soup with powdered Asian ginseng, duck meat and vegetables, or “Korean Pot Udon” boiled with kimchi.


  • Umenosato
    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Iruma-gun Ogosemachi Tsukune 208-1
    This soba buckwheat noodle restaurant is located along Prefectural Route 61 in Tsukune, Ogose Town, Iruma County. The restaurant serves authentic handmade soba, created using a secret technique handed down directly from a master. Try Umenosato’s specialty three-colored soba to enjoy “snow white,” which is made using the heart of the buckwheat seed, and “yuzukiri,” which is created by mixing yuzu citrus into the noodle.

    越生梅林の梅まつりも残すところ1週間余り。 なんとか間に合いました。 近くで美味しいお蕎麦を食べたいと思い、検索して評価の高い「梅の里」さんへ伺いました。 既に2組のお客さんが外で待っていました。「並んでお待ちください」と貼り紙がしてあったので、その通りに待ちました。20分程待ったでしょうか?女将さんらしき人が声をかけてくれました。 中へ入ると、意外と広いではありませんか。テーブル席が4卓、そし...

  • Yuzunosato Otaka
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Iruma-gun Moroyamamachi Takinoiri 624-1
    This udon store is located in the Takinoiri, Moroyama Town, Iruma County. Yuzu citrus, Moroyama’s specialty, is kneaded into their handmade udon, made with carefully selected domestic wheat. You can relish the fragrance of the yuzu noodles as you eat them. It offers a variety of set menus, such as mori-udon, tempura, Japanese mixed rice and tempura bowls, as well as dishes such as “Wild Vegetable and Nameko mushroom Udon” and “Mushroom Udon.”
  • Takemura
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Hanno-shi Nakamachi 14-8
    This soba shop is located in Naka-machi, Hanno City. Founded in 1926, this long-established store presented soba to Emperor Showa during the 1967 Saitama National Athletic Meet. It offers country-style soba noodles, made with stone-milled wheat berries and yam as the binding agent, and tea soba, made by kneading Sayama tea into high-quality Sarashina soba made with refined buckwheat.
  • Tokian
    10 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Hiki-gun Tokigawamachi Nishidaira 756-4
    This soba shop is located along Prefectural Route 172 in the Nishidaira, Tokigawa Town, Hiki County. It offers 90% Soba, made using wheat berries from Hiki County. The buckwheat flour, which is home-made every day, is a completely wholemeal flour that includes the husk, allowing you to enjoy the full aroma and texture of buckwheat. “Jisansai no Tenmori Soba,” which uses local vegetable and wild vegetables, is popular.


  • Izumi no Sato
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Hiki-gun Kawajimamachi Fukizuka 755-1
    This soba restaurant is located in Fukizuka, Kawajima Town, Hiki County. Beginning with a specialty handmade soba made from scratch with Hokkaido-produced buckwheat and ground using a stone mill, the restaurant also serves handmade udon and traditional local specialties. Other options include the “Fried Tempura Seiro (tempura served with soba)” and the “Hongamo Seiro (duck served with soba),” rice bowl dishes, side dishes, and season-exclusive local specialties like the “Kawajima Suttate (grated vegetables served with udon)” and the “Kawajima Gojiru (a soup dish prepared with locally grown Tanokuro beans).”
  • Yamada Udon Main Store
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Kamiyasumatsu 1032

    山田うどん本店に行ってきました。 本店は店内が結構広いのですが、ランチで4人待ちと大盛況。 やはりリーズナブルな価格ながらボリュームがあるので、お腹いっぱいに食べたい人には支持されています。 日替りランチは丼とうどんのセットで740円。 この日は豚キムチ丼とたぬきうどん。 山田うどんのたぬきうどんはコシがないのですが、ツユの甘さとモチモチのうどんの相性が良く、何度食べても飽きません。 豚...

    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Toda-shi Niizo 2101
  • sanukiudon joatari
    38 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Pref. Fujiminoshi Kamifukuoka 1-7-9

    ふじみ野市へ行く用事があり、前々から気になっていた、元ジャイアンツ投手のお店「讃岐うどん條辺」に行ってみる事に。 商店街の中にあり店舗の駐車場は無いが、近隣にコインパーキングがあり。 麺も汁も全国チェーン店には無い本格派で、天ぷらも揚げたての「げそ天」などがありGOOD♪ 冬季限定の「しっぽくうどん」と「わかめうどん」を食べました。 非常に満足で美味しかったです♪

    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Asaka-shi Mihara 5-2-4


  • Yamada Udon Kisai
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Kazo-shi Kisai 787-1
  • Yamada Udon Shokudo Hikawacho
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Toda-shi Hikawacho 1-14-12

    Y字路の交差点に面しているのでどちらの道からも出入り出来る 遠くからよく見えます 席はテーブル席、カウンター席、座敷が有る メニューも多く 蕎麦、うどん、中華、和定食などバラエティー 価格も安い いろいろ食べてみましたが いまだに美味しい物が見つかりません

    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Minamidai 2-8-3


  • Yamada Udon Asaka
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Saitama Asaka-shi Kitahara 1-12-2


Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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