Leisure / Outdoors Spots in Saitama Area

  • LaLa Garden Kasukabe
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Kasukabeshi Minami 1-1-1
    The LaLa Garden Kasukabe has a plethora of services including a veterinary hospital, a dental office, a movie theater, and many other shops and restaurants. However, one cannot miss the Crayon Shinchan Game Center and the Arashioyobu Buriburi Cinema Studio upon any visit. This amusement studio is designed along the theme of Crayon Shinchan movies. You can find some Crayon Shinchan goods cannot be purchases anywhere else.
  • Medical Herb Garden Tree of Life Yakkosoen
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Hannoushi Misugidai 1-1
    Yakkosoen located in 1 Chome, Misugidai, Hanno City is an herb garden. It has a wide range of facilities such as a garden growing about 200 types of herbs, an herb house where seedlings can be purchased, a restaurant, a bakery studio, a shop, beauty salon treatment rooms, and a bee farm. Products using only natural ingredients are also made and sold at the Handmade Guild, a handmade beauty product studio.

    ムーミン谷に行った帰り、嫁の要望でこのハーブ園に寄ってみる。入り口を入ったらハーブの良い匂いが漂ってくる。まずはなだらかなスロープを上がって奥に行ってみる。遅い時間だったため、Cafeは閉店間際で持ち帰りのみで、品揃えも少ない。横のドアから表に出てみるとハーブ園。さらにその先には、鉢植えハーブの販売所。地図を見てみるとかなり広いハーブ園なんだ。 単なるハーブ製品の販売所ではなく、ハーブを楽しむため...

  • Yamazaki Art Museum
    22 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Nakacho 4-13
    An art museum launched on the Culture Day holiday in 1982. On display is art by master painter and elder statesmen of the domestic art revolution which occurred during the Meiji period, Hashimoto Gaho. He was the son of Hashimoto Seien, a door screen painter employed by the Kawagoe domain, but outstripped his father's ability and became a pioneer of Japanese art reform. This museum was opened to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Yamazaki, who preserved all Gaho’s works and handed them down to his descendants.


  • Skip City Sai-No-Kuni Visual Plaza Visual Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Kawaguchishi Kamiaoki 3-12-63 Ayano country visual plaza
    An interactive museum dedicated to visual media located in Sai-no-Kuni Visual Plaza in 3-Chome Kamiaoki, Kawaguchi City. The museum's standing exhibition is filled with interactive exhibits which teach about the history of movies as well as how movies are made, and visitors can see what it's like to film, combine clips together, make a cartoon, and create projection mapping. The museum also holds special exhibitions concerning visual media.


  • Nakagawa Yashio Flower Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Yashioshi Kizone 2300-2
    This park is in Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture. Spread out over 13,000 square meters along the Nakagawa River, it's famous for the explosion of colors found when the rape flowers and peach flowers are in bloom. In autumn, the cosmos and red spider lilies are out, and this area is one of the prefecture's leading natural cosmos spots. They hold the Hana Momo Festival here every year from early to late March.
  • Hanno Municipal Museum
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Hanno-shi Hanno 258-1
    This museum is located along Chuokoen-dori Street in Hanno, Hanno City. As well as exhibitions showcasing the history and culture of Hanno since prehistoric times with the four themes of “Village,” “Town,” “Mountain” and “Hanno, Past and Present,” there are also permanent exhibitions about the local specialty timber Nishikawa Wood and the nature of the surrounding region. Special exhibitions and nature watching events are also held.


  • Koshigaya Strawberry Town
    2 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Koshigayashi Mashimori 1-41
    A strawberry farm located in 1-Chome Mashimori, Koshigaya City. The farm grows some 64,000 Benihoppe, Akihime, Kaorino, Sainokaori, and other varieties of strawberry plants. From January to May, visitors can enjoy a 45 minute, all-you-can-eat strawberry picking course.


  • Iwatsuki Castle Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Iwatsuki-ku Ota 3-4
    A park located in Ota, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City. The park grounds enclose the site of Iwatsuki Castle, of which only the original stone and earthen base remains. Park facilities include a baseball field, clay tennis courts, and multipurpose square. The park is also a renowned destination for viewing cherry blossoms, and in the spring the Iwatsuki Castle Park Cherry Blossom Festival is held here.
  • Sagiyama Memorial Park
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Midori-ku Namburyoutsuji 359-1
    From the JR Urawa Station east exit, taking a bus bound for Saitama Higashi Eigyosho, this park is located right where you disembark at the Sagiyama Kinen Koen bus stop. The park was created in 1984 around the Nodano Sagiyama hill, which was designated as a Special Natural Monument to protect the breeding grounds of herons, when the designation was rescinded and a commemorative hall was erected within the park. The park is ideally suited for families because it has spacious grassed areas, an athletic course, and a camp site with barbecue pits.


  • Saitama City Museum
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Saitama-shi Omiya-ku Takahanacho 2-1-2
    A municipal museum that collects, preserves, and exhibits historical, archeological, folk, and other materials related to Saitama City. Their permanent exhibit looks at the history and culture of Saitama City and you can enjoy learning about the local area with a hands-on area. The museum also holds special events including special exhibits in the fall, themed exhibits in the spring, a Summer-Vacation Children's Museum, a winter Ancient tools and Lifestyles exhibit, all sorts of hands-on learning classrooms, ancient literature lectures, and community college level history courses amongst others.


  • trampoline park trAmpoland Saitama
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Nizashi Nobitome 3-13-35
    At trampoline park trAmpoland Saitama, visitors safely enjoy trampolines surrounded by walls that ensure they never fall to the ground. Extremely popular with both children and adults, this well-equipped leisure facility has changing rooms, lockers, and air conditioning. Weekends are particularly crowded, so advance booking is recommended.

    前から来てみたかった場所、トランポランドにやって来ました〜。 日曜、祝日は10時からとの事で9時前に来たら。。。 既に並んでる方がいました、聞いたら混んでる時は1時間前で既に行列!9:40受付で入場出来るのが11時過ぎだったみたいですが。 7月に来た祝日は穴場か?? 空いてるみたい〜!!^_^ 事前に登録、もしくは事前にネット予約するのがベストです。 並んでる際にスタッフの方の親切な対応、声がけ...

  • Saitama City Manga Museum
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Saitama-shi Kita-ku Bonsaicho 150
    This was Japan's first art museum dedicated to manga comics. It was founded in 1966 on the former site of the mansion that Kitazawa Rakuten, founding father of modern Japanese manga, spent his later years with the goal of promoting the growth of manga culture. On display are the works of Kitazawa Rakuten as well as the works of other modern manga artists and they also hold various manga related events.

    通常展示は少ないので企画展によって評価が分かれるかと思います。 お庭に出ることができて天気の良い日はとても気持ちが良いです。

  • Chichibu Muse Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunoganomachi Nagaru
    This theme park, flourishing with greenery, displays a variety of flowers throughout the year, including cherry blossoms, daffodils and azaleas. In the fall, the three-kilometer long boulevard of Ginkgo trees is a glorious site to see. The park is full of children friendly activities, such as the Skytrain that runs through the park, and the children’s playground obstacles including a tall observatory.
  • Wadono Orchards
    3 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Kuroya 457-3
    A three-minute walk from Wado-Kuroya Station on the Chichibu Line. Here you can enjoy quality strawberries carefully raised and managed using clean air, pure water, and the temperature differences between morning and night. The farm grows more than 10 varieties of strawberries, including Tochiotome and Akahoppe; the farm's original white strawberries have not yet been named. The farm grows its strawberries using raised planters and fully automatic growing systems in seven greenhouses, and, depending on the time of year, visitors can enjoy up to six strawberry varieties. The farm incorporates universal design principles, ensuring stroller and wheelchair users can easily enter and use the farm's facilities. The farm has been featured in local magazines and newspapers.

    国道140号沿いにあります。 日曜日の10時過ぎに到着しましたが、駐車場はほぼ満車でした。 いちごのビニールハウスは7箇所程あり、道路を挟んだビニールハウスを案内されました。 いちごの品種は紅ほっぺ。 採れたてのいちごは、みずみずしくて甘味も充分あり最高です^_^ いちご狩りの食べ放題は30分ですが、充分お腹いっぱいにいちごを食べることが出来ました。 子供も終始笑顔でいちご狩りを満喫して...

  • Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, Saitama
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Kita-ku Torochou 2-24-3
    "A bonsai art museum located in 2-Chome Toro-cho, Kita Ward, Saitama City a short walk from Omiya Bonsai Village, a mecca for bonsai-lovers. The museum's collection includes bonsai as well as vessels for holding bonsai, visually striking ""suiseki"" stones, and paintings. Over 40 bonsai are on display in the museum's bonsai garden. The museum also displays items from its collection in its gallery area and also holds special, bonsai-related exhibitions."
  • Godaison Azalea Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunogosemachi Kuroiwa 328-2
    This park adjacent to Kuroiwa Godaison Temple is known as one of the best flower viewing spots in Kanto. It’s large nearly three-hectare garden boasts about 10,000 bushes of 12 species of azalea, including mountain azalea and purple rhododendron. There are also rows of cherry trees and a rare dogtooth violet garden. The park bustles in spring with the many visitors who come to view the blossoms. A promenade and a gazebo let people enjoy them at their leisure. Every year, the Godaison Azalea Park Festival is held when the azaleas are in bloom.
  • OH!!! Fermentation, health, and the magic of food!!!
    3 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Hanno-shi Hanno 1333

    「OH!!! 発酵、健康、食の魔法!!!」は、「ご飯がススム」で有名なピックルスコーポレーションが、天覧山の麓、能仁寺に隣接したエリアにつくった発酵食品のテーマパークです。パーク内に4つの建物がありました。キムチ作りなどの発酵の力を体験できる「パリシャキ研究所」、発酵食品を使ったレストラン「Femy_」、野菜×乳酸菌×米糀の発酵デリカフェ「Piene...

  • Shikisai no Oka Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunmoroyamamachi Shukuya
    A park located close to Lake Kamakita in Shukuya, Moroyama Town, Iruma County. The park's two-hectare grounds are outfitted with walking paths and visitors can enjoy natural, seasonal sights such as cherry blossoms, fall foliage, azaleas, and hydrangeas. There's also an observatory overlooking Lake Kamakita.
  • Splash Garden Chichibu Auto Camping Ground
    3 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Obashira 326-2

    施設は普通です。 バンガロー近くのトイレはウォシュレットもあり、綺麗です。 芝生が気持ちよくて、まぁ良いことは良いのですが‥‥ 管理人さん、ちょっと融通がきかないというか、厳しいです。 それで嫌な思いする人、たぶんいるのではないでしょうか‥‥

  • Nagatoro Auto Camping Ground
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Nagatoromachi Ido 559-1

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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