Gourmet / Alcohol Spots in Nikko / Kinu River / Lake Chuzenji Area

  • Nikko Miyamaedango
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Shimohatsuishimachi 956
    This venerable kanmidokoro (a cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets) founded in 1723 is located on the approach to Nikko Toshogu Shrine. It is famous for offering the local specialty Miyamae dango dumplings. These additive-free dumplings feature a special miso sauce. Their matcha tea sets are also popular. The shop, which has a nostalgic atmosphere and an in-eat space, is visited by many tourists sightseeing at Nikko Toshogu Shrine.
  • Western Cuisine Meiji-no-Yakata
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Sannai 2339-1
    A Western-style restaurant located in the Nikko Fudosan Park area in Sannai, Nikko City. The restaurant serves a range of classic Western-style dishes exquisitely prepared including rice omelets with a demi-glace sauce, hamburger steaks, beef stew, steaks and seafood dishes. Coupled with the Western-style stone building restaurant, guests can savor the atmosphere of the Meiji period.
  • SantateSoba NAGAHATAAN
    34 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Nagahata 635-1
    This soba restaurant is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It offers soba noodles that are freshly ground, freshly made, and freshly cooked. The restaurant, which has a nostalgic atmosphere, offers table and tatami seating. Due to its popularity, lines sometime form before it even opens. It is visited by locals as well as people who come from great distances away.


  • Nikko Guruman's Wagyu
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Tokorono 1541-297
    A restaurant in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. The interior of the store is decorated with furniture made from Nikko cedar. Try steaks, Hamburg steak, and ground beef cutlets made from carefully selected Japanese beef, including Iwate Maesawa Beef, Mie Matusaka Beef, and Tochigi Wagyu Beef. Relax and enjoy your meal in this popular restaurant which attracts a number of tourists.


  • Sobadokoro Mizunashi Yusuian
    27 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Mizunashi 309
    This soba restaurant located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture offers soba noodles made with local buckwheat flour and Nikko's famous spring water. Its interior has nostalgic atmosphere and is equipped with table and tatami seating. Lines sometimes form around lunchtime at this popular restaurant, which is visited not just by locals but also by people from great distances away.


  • Koshiro Namegawaan
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Nikko-shi Koshiro 371
    A soba restaurant in the main house of the Former Kato Residence, once owned by an honorary citizen of Imaichi City. The shop was created as a subsidy project in Tochigi Prefecture with the aim of revitalizing the village, by local volunteers from Koshiro bringing the fund. The entire process of growing, harvesting, and milling the buckwheat is carried out by the members of the local Koshiro Namegawa-an Soba Association, resulting in the freshest gensoba noodles available. The light flavor of the broth goes well with the flat, nicely textured noodles. The tatami floor mat seating looks out on a beautifully landscaped Japanese garden.

    入り口は古い邸宅に北関東地方特有の門構えがドーンとあって期待が膨らみます。 この門を少し過ぎて駐車場に廻ると、日本家屋がお出迎え。 11時30分過ぎだったのでまだ先客も少なく、 すぐに座敷に通されました。 縁側が最高、広いお屋敷にびっくりです。 中庭は手入れされてて綺麗。 蕎麦は、ニラ蕎麦を注文。じつは初めての体験 ニラ+蕎麦。 ニラは煮ただけのものを蕎麦の上に乗せただけ。 蕎麦は固めでしっかりし...

  • Kinugawa Okashi no Shiro
    27 Reviews
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Karakura 790-2
    This Japanese and western confectionery shop founded in 1968 is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It offers sweets made in its own factory including their Karinto Manju (deep-fried brown sugar buns), Kinu no Tsuki (a sponge cake filled with strained bean paste and custard cream), and cheesecakes. The shop is also equipped with an eat-in space and is visited by many tourists looking to purchase Tochigi souvenirs.

    タイムサービスでケーキとコーヒーのセットを格安でいただきました。 お菓子もひとつから、チョイス出来ていろいろな物を少しずつ買えていいです。

  • Fudaraku Honpo (Ishiyamachi Store)
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Ishiyamachi 406-4
    This Japanese sweets shop is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It offers Japanese sweets made with carefully-crafted homemade anko (red bean paste). Their moderately sweet handmade Fudaraku Manju steamed buns are popular as souvenirs and gifts. Their Yubamusubi, which feature fluffy okowa (Japanese steamed rice dish made with glutinous rice) wrapped in semidried yuba (tofu skins), are an original local specialty of Nikko available exclusively at the shop.

    湯葉おにぎりを求めて。 小ぶりのおにぎりに湯葉が巻いてあります。 中身はしっかり味のついたおこわです。 おこわはモチモチで、しっかり醤油味。 湯葉と聞くと、薄味なのかな、と思いましたが、意外と濃い目。とても美味しいです。 あっという間に完食してしまいました。 お新香も濃い目の味ですが、おにぎりに良く合います。 濃い目のお茶と一緒に食べるのがオススメ。 家族全員が気に入り、また食べたい!の連...

  • Nikko Sakaeya Ageyuba Manju Honpo
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Matsubarachou 10-1
    This Japanese sweets shop is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. They make and sell an original product called Age Yuba Manju. These red bean paste-filled buns are coated with a batter made by mixing yuba (tofu skin) and carefully-selected soy milk and deep fried. They have an enjoyable flaky texture and sweet taste. Their shaved ice, which is made with natural ice source locally in Nikko, is also gaining popularity.
  • Nikko Jingoro Senbei Nikko Main Store
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Nikko-shi Honcho 4-18
  • Cafe Kanoco
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Chugushi 2478
    A cafe on the shore of Lake Chuzenji. Try their original cumin curry or rice topped with stewed chicken and tomatoes, as well as their specialty deserts while looking out over the lake. And with glass beadmaking and eraser art printing activities this is a popular place for families.
  • Kashiwa
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Nikko-shi Imaichi 1147
    This cafe located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture offers a cafe menu where you can taste authentic coffee, natural shaved ice using fluffy ice, and high-quality latte art. In addition, it has become popular as a bar to drink whiskey and cocktails. It also occasionally holds live performances.

    下今市駅を出て左へベーシアストアの隣。徒歩2分の好立地。 高い天井とゆったりとした空間には、スタンダードナンバーがBOSEのスピーカーから流れる。4代目徳次郎さんの天然氷のかき氷を楽しむもよし、売りの一つのフレンチトーストを楽しむもよし! カウンターに掛けて、バックバーを愛でながら天然氷のロックウイスキーを楽しむもよし。電車を1本を読む遅らせても楽しむ価値のある一軒!

  • Manju-Dokoro Ooami
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kinugawaonsentaki 543
    "This manju (red bean paste-filled steamed cakes) store located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture sells the famous ""Karinto Manju"" and souvenirs related to Kinugawa Onsen. Karinto Manju uses high-quality adzuki (redbeans)from Hokkaido and brown sugar from Okinawa's Tarama Island, and is characterized by its smoothness on the tongue and crisp texture. The addictive flavor has made the store popular, and it is visited by many repeat customers."
  • Kitanoji
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Hikage 590-2
    This soba restaurant is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. Its popular items include its juwari soba, soba noodles made with buckwheat flour ground in-house each day without wheat flour filler, as well as their wild vegetable tempura. Located inside of a kominka (old Japanese-style house), the restaurant has a nostalgic atmosphere. Guests at the restaurant, which is visited by locals and tourists alike, can take their time to enjoy a meal. We recommend going early as the restaurant closes as soon it runs out of soba noodles.

    県道栗山日光線の起点近くにあり場所はわかりやすいお店。そばと中間グレードの天ぷらを注文した。 そばはわさびを自分ですりおろして食べるのだが、これがとても良い。天ぷらは大きな野菜が7-8点盛。どの素材も新鮮で味わいがある。どくだみの葉の天ぷらは初めてだったが、独特の味でまた食べたくなった。

  • Yoshidaya Youkan Honpo
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Nakahatsuishimachi 903
    This long-standing Japanese confectioner in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture first opened during the Meiji-period (1868-1912). They use carefully screened red beans and sugar to produce Nikko's popular specialty treat, Nikko Neri Yokan (red bean jelly). They also offer a soft Yokan jelly and smaller bite sized pieces. This well-known shop has been long beloved by locals and is often frequented by tourists for their souvenir needs.


  • Ebisuya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Shimohatsuishimachi 955
    This restaurant specializing in local cuisine is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It is famous for offering Nikko yuba (tofu skin), a local specialty. Their full-course yuba cuisine meals use tofu skins in every part from the appetizers and the main dish to the dessert. The restaurant, which has a relaxed Japanese-style atmosphere, is equipped with tatami seating and is visited by many tourists.
  • Gensoba Kappa
    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Seno 44-7
    This soba restaurant is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It offers soba noodles made by hand with carefully-selected domestic wholegrain buckwheat flour that is ground in-house. Customers can choose between juwari soba (soba without wheat flour filler) and nihachi soba (soba made with 20% wheat flour filler). Some of their popular items include their tenseiro, which features soba noodles served on a wicker serving tray with tempura, as well as namayuba soba, a seasonal exclusive that features soba noodles served with raw tofu skins. The restaurant, which is visited by many tourists, has a relaxed interior that features counter and tatami seating.

    旅行の途中、なんの前情報もなく通りすがりで入店。 十割蕎麦ですが、ぜんぜんボソボソ感がなくて、都内の美味しい十割蕎麦のお店と遜色ないレベルで美味しかったです。 お蕎麦もですが、天ぷらが相当高いレベルで美味しいです。 田舎蕎麦の天ぷらそば、ざるそば、更科のかけそばをいただきましたが、個人的には田舎蕎麦がオススメですね。 家族3人で5,000円とそれなりに良いお値段なので、出来ればキャッシュレスに対...

  • Tezukuri no Aji Taro
    6 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Chugushi 2478
    This restaurant is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It offers a wide variety of items made with seasonal fresh Okunikko ingredients, including their Japanese-style lunch plates, their tofu skin and mushroom cream spaghetti, and more. Guests can enjoy their meal while relaxing in the restaurant's homey atmosphere. Located near attractions such as Lake Chuzenji, the restaurant is visited by tourists and locals alike.


  • Teuchi Nihachi Soba
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kinugawaonsenohara 521-2
    This soba restaurant is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. It is notable for its white soba noodles made from buckwheat flour ground from only the center of the grain. Some of its popular items include its tenzaru soba, which features soba noodles served on a bamboo tray with tempura, as well as its original Hanagasumi jellied dessert. The restaurant, which offers table seating, has a relaxed Japanese-style atmosphere and is visited by many tourists.


  • Shunsaigura Senya
    18 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Fujihara 1357
    This restaurant specializing in local cuisine is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. Some of its offerings include yuba (tofu skin) cuisine made with fresh tofu skins sourced every day as well as soba noodles made with local buckwheat flour. The restaurant's interior, which is finished in reclaimed wood, has notable warmth that makes it a great place to relax while enjoying a meal. It also has a miniature gallery of Mashiko ware.

    We stopped here for lunch while exploring the national park and the temples, and had a wonderful meal here. All of the various sushis (we ordered a lot) were freshly made and delicious, the tea was...

Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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