Museum / Science Museum Spots in Tochigi Area

  • Ashio Copper Mine
    130 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Ashiomachitsudou 9-2
    The Ashio Copper Mine in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture was once the mining capital of Japan. It supplied the nation’s copper industry for about 400 years until closure. A portion of the mine is open to visitors, and a trolley train lets you tour the inside and learn about the mining industry through the ages, the history of the mines, and the mining process.

    The Ashio Copper Mine is a theme park where visitors can comprehensively learn about the Ashio Copper Mine, which was once one of the largest copper mines in Japan. There are many such facilities...

  • Honda Collection Hall
    74 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi ken Haga-gun Mogi-cho Hayama 120-1
    "The Honda Collection Hall is a museum of Honda products located within the Twin Ring Motegi racetrack, around 30 minutes' drive from the Mito-Kita Smart Interchange on the Joban Expressway. The main focus is on Honda's motorcycles and cars; the second floor exhibits present the history of Honda's commercial products, while the third floor charts the development of Honda's involvement in motor sport. The first floor has the ""ASIMO Super Live"" zone, where visitors can see a functioning ASIMO robot. Special exhibitions are held throughout the year, and the ""Pit Workshop,"" housed in a separate building, has a range of experience-type activities that visitors can enjoy, including vehicle assembly and part-changing activities."

    Honda is one of the most prolific brands in the automotive world, both for street vehicles and racing ones, so if you are into cars and motorbikes, you absolutely must visit this museum. The first...

  • Nasu Teddy Bear Museum
    58 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nasugunnasumachi Takaku Hei 1185-4
    This teddy bear museum is located in Takakuhei, Nasu Town. You’ll find a collection that includes “artist bears” based on artists from around the world, as well as antique bears and Teddy Edward, the teddy bear that has traveled the most around the world. There are also planned exhibitions. In addition, there’s a museum shop with a variety of teddy bear goods, as well as a tea room with teddy bear-themed menu items.


  • Mibumachi Toy Museum
    26 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Shimotsugagunmibumachi Kuniya 2300
    "This toy museum is located in the Mibu-Machi Comprehensive Park, and has a cute appearance reminiscent of a medieval castle. The museum houses play areas with slides and play equipment with net, etc. and also displays approximately 9,000 valuable toys, including those made of tin plate. You will also find a corner where you can actually play with toys, a corner where you can create your own original ""Licca-chan"" doll, and a ""Railway Model Room"" with one of the largest dioramas in the north Kanto region, making this museum a place where both adults and children can have great fun all day long."


  • Tochigi Science Museum
    42 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Nishikawatamachi 567
    This science museum is located in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture. It has many fun exhibits for children to familiarize themselves with science. The exhibition hall has six areas designed with the theme, ʻScience All Around You.ʼ Many of the exhibits, including the popular science station on the second floor, are made to educate the children by seeing, touching, and experiencing the science. A family can leisurely enjoy the science museum, which also has a planetarium, and an area for rides.

    Great adventure for the kids, full of fascinating exhibits, hands-on activities, and excellent demonstrations. There are some explanations in English, and the exhibits are interesting even without...

  • Rinnoji Homotsuden
    27 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Sannai 2300 within Ring Oji temple
    Nikkosan Rinnoji’s Homotsuden is next to the Sanbutsudo. This building houses approximately 30,000 temple treasures that represent Nikkozan’s more than 1,200-year history and the building contains many National Treasures, important cultural properties, and important works of art. In addition to the approximately 50 pieces that are always on display, visitors can also see paintings related to the Tokugawa family thanks to the cooperation of the Tokugawa Memorial Foundation. Visitors can also enter the Shoyoen Japanese garden located directly nearby.

    輪王寺の宝物殿の南側に位置する日本庭園です。庭園へ行くには宝物殿に入る必要があり、宝物殿の入館料で、この庭園も利用することが出来ます。 典型的な回廊式の庭園で、小径にはところどころに起伏があるため、庭園の様々な表情を楽しむことが出来ます。庭園としての規模はそれほど大きくないため、周遊するだけであれば20分程度で済みます。非常にきめ細かく手入れされており、輪王寺界隈は観光客が多いにも関わらず庭園の外...

  • Tochigi Prefectural Museum
    23 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Mutsumichou 2-2
    This museum in Utsunomiya City is located in Tochigi Central Park and collects, preserves, and researches materials relating to Tochigi's nature and culture. Their permanent exhibits look at Tochigi's history from the geological age to present times as well as introduce you to the Nikko region's insects, flora, and fauna. There are also special exhibitions on a variety of subjects.


  • Shiobara Imagination Archives
    25 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nasushiobarashi Shiobara 747
    This composite facility can be found along the Shiobara Valley Line in Shiobara, Nasushiobara City. You’ll find exhibits on Shiobara’s history and literature as well as a shop selling souvenirs and local produce, a cafe and restaurant specializing in western dishes made with local ingredients. There’s also a foot bath facility utilizing on-site hot spring water as well as a tourism information section and valley observation platform. The “Kurenai (Crimson) Suspension Bridge” that links to the cliff across the river is a famous spot for viewing the fall foliage and new blooms of spring.


  • Nasu Classic Car Museum
    25 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nasugunnasumachi Takaku Kou 5705
    This car museum has a wide variety of classic car makes from around the world on display, including Alfa Romeo and Mercedes. There's a section of the museum with cars that you can touch or get into as well. With valuable cars on display that can't be seen anywhere else the museum draws car fans from far and wide.

    Visited the museum for about an hour. A nice collection of mainly UK and US cars with a few European favourites added in (Ferrari and Alfa Romeo). Great fun to walk around and then to play some old...

  • Nikko Toshogu Museum
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Sannai 2301 Sunlight in Toshogu Shrine
    This museum exhibits artifacts such as the treasures of the enshrined deity Tokugawa Ieyasu, collections of precious objects and offerings from the Imperial court, Shogunate, and the Daimyo families, and festival equipment of the Imperial Palace. A detailed virtual reality video of the Yomei Gate and a program about how Tokugawa governed and ruled the nation are shown in the Toshogu Theater, and there is a café as well the displayed treasures. At this facility, visitors can deeply gain an understanding of Nikko Toshogu and Tokugawa Ieyasu. It is approximately ten minutes by car from “Nikko Interchange” on the Nikko Utsunomiya Road.

    It has a rather small display, tastefully arranged.If you purchase the “passport”through the tourist office at the train station you enter free.We saved money by doing that, well worth it.The shrine...

  • Yamaage Kaikan
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Nasukarasuyama Kanai 2-5-26
    This museum features permanent exhibits about the Yamaage Matsuri of Karasuyama, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage and a National Important Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the exhibit hall, visitors can see the actual oyatai (building-shaped stage decoration) used in the festival's kabuki performances. The museum's popular miniature theater recreates an actualstage and the townscape in which it took place in 1/5 scale.

    栃木県の烏山にある、地元の夏祭りを紹介する会館で、夏に行われる「山あげ祭り」をミニチュアで見る事が出来ます。 入場料も安いので、1度は見ておくのも良いかも・・・

  • Ashikaga Information and Communication Space
    21 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Tori 1-2673-1
    This facility was established to familiarize visitors with Ashikaga's history and culture, and to contribute to the liveliness of the city area and the revitalization of the community. The building, renovated in 2016, offers exhibition and rest areas, conference rooms, and a variety of tourist information. Visitors can try on Ashikaga Meisen, silk textiles that predominated the late Taisho (1912-1916) through early Showa (1926-1989) periods, and enjoy walking around town dressed in kimono or armor.

    こちらは足利の歴史や文化、自然に親しみ、楽しみ、そして学んでいただく施設として、平成15年3月にオープンしたそうです。 無料で入場でき、展示物としては機織り機が素晴らしかったです。 また、大正末期から昭和初期にかけて一世を風靡した「足利銘仙」を中心とした着物の着付け体験できます。

  • Nikko Natural Science Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Chugushi 2480-1
    This museum located next to Kegon Falls and Lake Chuzenji features exhibits on subjects such as the natural origins and history of the Okunikko area. The exhibit area is divided into the natural exhibits hall which deals with the area's geography, zoology, etc. and the human exhibit hall which deals with the area's history. The museum also offers serves as an information center for the region that offers information on the area's nature, hiking courses, and other subjects. It also holds nature experiences and other events.

    奥日光の魅力を発信するビジターセンター的な要素のある施設です。 どちらかというと子ども向けの展示が多いようですが、華厳の滝の駐車場からすぐで、奥日光には数少ない室内の施設なので、雨の日にオススメです。 いくつかの動物の剥製や、自然を模した展示、写真による動植物の紹介、13分ほどのシアター、奥日光の地形の紹介、男体山と赤城山の戦いの神話の紹介などの見所があります。

  • Kuzu Fossil Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Kuzuu Higashi 1-11-15
    This fossil museum presents fossils discovered in Sano City and provides information on the types of minerals and wildlife in the area. Exhibits include a type of limestone found in the Kuzu area called Nabeyama limestone, examples of limestone from across the country, and animal fossils found in limestone caves and fissures. Limestone is widely found in the Kuzu region, and the area is also thought to have once been a habitat for elephants, rhinoceroses, and other large animals. The Japanese rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus nipponicus) skeleton displayed in the center of the first floor is the only one which has been found anywhere in Japan that is almost completely intact. Other exhibits include limestone fossils of Fusulinida and sea lilies which lived during the distant Permian period.


  • Kurobane Basho no Yakata
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Otawara-shi Maeta 980-1
    This museum features permanent exhibits on the subject of the poet Matsuo Basho and the Ozeki clan, who were the lords of the Kurobane Domain. It also holds special exhibits intended to increase interest in the region's cultural heritage. Built with ample amounts of Yamizo cedar, the museum has a dignified appearance. There is also a bronze statue of Basho astride his horse alongside his traveling companion Kawai Sora in the courtyard.


  • Sano Ramen Mini Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Wakamatsucho
    This mini museum is located inside the Palport plaza in front of Sano Station. Inside the tourist information center on the first floor, the museum displays models of Sano ramen served in some 30 establishments in the area. The bowls used are actual bowls from the various restaurants. Each is a realistic replica of each restaurant's vaunted Sano ramen. Informational cards next to each model present information such as the restaurant's address, business days, number of parking spaces, and noodle characteristics, meaning the museum can also be used to help you choose which restaurant to go to. Visitors rave that just looking at the models will make you hungry, and another nice thing about it is that it's free.

    台風19号に寄る水害の災害ボランティアで栃木県佐野市にやって来た。 佐野駅前に佐野らーめんミニ博物館があると言うので立ち寄った。 佐野駅前交流プラザぱるぽーと 1階にあり入場無料の施設。館内に は、市内30店舗のラーメンサンプルが並び、各店の住所や営業日、麺、 スープ、具材の特徴などが掲げられ、らーめん店選びの参考になりま すが、ここでラーメンは食べられなかったのが残念。

  • Tsukada Memorial Hall
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Tochigishi Yamatochou 2-16
    This exhibition facility located in Yamato-cho, Tochigi City makes use of the Tsukada family's storehouse. They were prominent lumber dealers during the Edo period (1603-1868), and this hall displays some of their important items. There is also an exhibit featuring a robotic dolls performing the tragic story about Uzuma River, and a robotic grandmother that tells stories while plays the shamisen (a three-stringed traditional Japanese musical instrument). The facility has a restaurant, too.

    蔵の街の象徴といえる鯉のぼりの架かる川に沿って、この塚田歴史伝説館の壁が100メートル以上続きます。 入口でチケットを買った直後に入る部屋では、三味線語りをするおばあさん人形とそれを眺めるおじさんの人形がとてもリアルでした。これがインパクトのピークだった気がします。最後の人形劇はそれほど印象的ではありませんでした。 とは言っても栃木市に来たらこちらを訪問するのはオプションだと思います。

  • Konoha Fossils Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nasushiobarashi Nakashiobara 472
    This outdoor science museum is located in Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture. First opened in 1905, the museum preserves and displays the fossils that have been excavated on its grounds. The exhibit room displays a wide variety of fossils and minerals collected from around the world, mostly notably the many fossils produced locally in the Shiobara area. One of the museum's attractions is a corner where visitors can enjoy breaking open fossil rocks in order to look for leaf fossils.


  • Karasuyama Washi Kaikan
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Nasukarasuyama-shi Chuo 2-6-8
    This workshop makes Karasuyama washi, a type of Japanese washi paper whose history dates back to the Nara period. The workshop's German-inspired building features double-hung and dormer windows. Inside, the facility contains exhibits on the history and production of Karasuyama washi and also sells Karasuyama washi products. A product of the area's abundant natural resources, Karasuyama washi is officially supplied to the Imperial Household Agency to be used for the annual New Year's poetry reading. The workshop's hodomura Karasuyama washi paper is considered one of the best thick washi papers around and has been designated a National Intangible Cultural Property. The workshop's building was originally built as the Karasuyama Hospital in 1923. The building's pseudo-Western-style gabled roof has been designated a Heritage of Modernization by the city.

    栃木県へのドライブ旅行の際、那須烏山市を訪問したので、こちらの「烏山和紙会館」へも行ってみました。 グレーの立派な建物(元は病院だったようです)に入っており、展示内容も良く、ショッピングもできるようになっていました。

  • SL Kyurokukan
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Moka Daimachi 2474-6
    Inside Suhafu 4425, you can enjoy coffee and hot dogs ordered at Qurok Café. The exterior of the SL is marked by a thick boiler, a short decorative chimney, and two low domes.


Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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