Travel / Tourism Spots in Yuki / Chikusei Area

  • Ibaraki Nature Museum
    77 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ibaraki Pref. Bandoushi Osaki 700
    Ibaraki Natural Museum, opened in 1994, is a new type of natural science museum. In addition to the normal exhibitions of natural history materials there are also outdoor facilities in the area covering 15.8 hectares, including trampolines, and water parks to keep children happily amused. The mini aquarium displaying creatures from Ibaraki’s rivers and sea is also popular.

    Good ride for those who enjoy history, human history, the evolution of species on the Jurassic era, in short, a good outing for the family.

  • Roadside Station Shimotsuma
    40 Reviews
    Ibaraki Pref. Shimotsumashi Kazusu 140
    A roadside station with a distinctive, Japanese castle-like exterior situated along National Route 294. The station sells fresh produce picked that morning, natto made with local soybeans, fresh baked breads, and a variety of other local specialty products. The station is a great place to take a break while on a long drive through the area.

    何となく縁起が良さそうな「開運 運盛りうどん」を食べました。たっぷりの野菜天ぷらが乗ったうどんと混ぜごはんのセットメニュー。天ぷらとうどんは美味しかったです。混ぜごはんは、普段から薄味な食事を摂っている私でも、味が薄すぎるかなって思いました。もうちょっと出汁が効いた味がするとさらに美味しくなると思います。

  • Roadside Station Sakai
    34 Reviews
    Ibaraki Pref. Sashimagunsakaimachi 1341-1
    A roadside station located in Sakai, a town which flourished as a center for water borne transportation in the Edo period. The station sells local specialty products and produce. A counter operated by the local sightseeing and specialty products association is located in the station's information corner, and here visitors can learn about area sightseeing destinations as well as Tone River flatboat (Takasebune) tours and other activities.

    蔵作りの道の駅さかいでランチしました。 この道の駅には沖縄国頭村のアンテナショップがあり、ショップ内のレストランで沖縄そばやブルーシールのアイスなどを食べることができます。 食券機でソーキそば、サータアンダギー付きブルーシールのチケットを購入。 カウンター席に座りソーキそばを食べましたが、出汁が優しく美味しいです^_^ 青ネギやかまぼこ、角煮も美味しく、沖縄を思い出させる味でした。 麺がもう少...

  • Goka Roadside Station
    Ibaraki Pref. Sashimagungokamachi Koushu 18-1
    This roadside station is about one minute from the Goka Interchange of Sashima County, Ibaraki Prefecture. There is a farmer’s market with rice, tomatoes and other locally-produced goods. You can find croquettes made with yams, and a soba shochu called “Kawa Kasumi” —original local products. You’ll also find goods featuring the town mascot “Gokarin,” and products made by companies with factories in Goka.
  • Hitokotonushi-jinja Shrine
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Jousoushi Otsukadomachi 875
    This shrine is located in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture. From the teaching that one will be granted a fortune once in one’s life, this shrine is famous for the deity that grants a requested prayer, even if it is just spoken once. Hence the Hitokoto Myojin, meaning One Word Deity. Constructed in 809 A.D., many visit this spot year round. One of the few shrines visited at New Years, it attracts around 150,000 visitors annually during the 3 celebrated days of New Year, during which many booth shops line the entry way.

    骨董市に行きました。 お皿を購入しましたが、値札シールを剥がしたら下に傷がついていました。悪徳業者も混ざっているようですので、お気を付けください。ちなみに店主は中年男性です。 神社のトイレはきれいに清掃されていたので、神社自体は良く管理されています。

  • Roadside Station Makuraga no sato Koga
    Ibaraki Pref. Kogashi Owada 2623
    This roadside station is one of the largest in Ibaraki Prefecture. The station sells a wide selection of produce picked that morning and local specialty products. There's also a food court and a bakery which sells fragrant, fresh-baked breads. Sashima, a renowned local tea, and the station's fresh cooked side dishes available for sale are also popular.
  • Daiho Hachimangu Shrine
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Shimotsumashi Daihou 667
    "Established in 701, this is the oldest Shinto shrine in the Kanto region and is said to have been worshipped at by such famous military commanders as Minamoto no Yoritomo. Taira no Masakado notably visited the shrine to pray for victory in battle and is said to have been granted the title of ""New Emperor"" by one of the shrine's maidens. The shrine grounds are also a renowned destination for flower viewing and the grounds bustle with visitors when the cherry trees and hydrangea are in bloom."


  • Shimodate Museum of Art
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ibaraki Pref. Chikuseishi Hei 372 Arterio 3F
    An art museum which preserves and displays works of art by artists connected to Chikusei City such as potter Itaya Hazan and painter Morita Shigeru. The museum is located on the third floor of the Chiiki Koryu Center Arterio down Prefectural Route 305 traveling from JR Shimodate Station. Distinguished by its glass exterior, visitors can also enjoy the sight of Mt. Tsukuba and the surrounding scenery from the building's lobby and sky promenade. In addition to its standing exhibition, the museum holds special exhibitions, workshops, artwork appreciation meets, and a full array of other events. Easily accessible and casual in atmosphere, the museum also serves as a community gathering space.

    下館駅から徒歩10分弱。しもだて地域交流センター「アルテリオ」の3階にある。 入館料は所蔵品展のみの場合は210円、訪館した時は企画展「関由香写真展 ねこうらら」が開催されており600円となっていた。展示室は4室あるが3室は企画展で使用されていたため所蔵品の展示はわずか。作品保護のためと思われるが、所蔵品展の照明は暗くかなり鑑賞しにくかった。

  • Amabiki-kannon (Amabikisan Rakuhoji)
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Sakuragawashi Motogi 1
    Said to have been constructed in the second year of Emperor Yomei (587) by Horindokushukoji from China, this temple of the Toyama sect of Shingon Buddhism is located in Sakuragawa City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Many visitors come here every year seeking its blessing in regards to safe childbirth and child-raising. The main Kannon bodhisattva statue has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. The temple is famous for its cherry blossoms in spring and hydrangeas during the rainy season.
  • Kokuo Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Bando Iwai 951
    This shrine is located in Iwai, Bando City. The shrine contains the sacred statue of Taira-no-Masakado, carved by the third daughter of Masakado, and is an ancient shrine that is over a thousand years old. Every year, on the second Sunday of November, the Iwai Masakado festival is held here, and a warrior procession of 100 people walks through the town.


  • Tsumugi no Yakata
    13 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ibaraki Pref. Yukishi Yuki 12-2
    A museum dedicated to preserving Yuki-tsumugi pongee for future generations located a 10-minute walk from the north exit of JR Yuki Station. The museum's grounds enclose several elegant kominka (old Japanese-style house) repurposed into an exhibition hall, shop, and museum hall. Handed down from generation to generation, Yuki-tsumugi was born of human ingenuity and cultivated by the natural abundance of the area. Enwrapped in the museum's quiet, calming atmosphere, visitors can experience the history and beauty of this craft, in addition to being able to purchase high quality silk Yuki-tsumugi goods which are perfect for gifts. There's also a gallery / cafe on the grounds housed in a remodeled old combined shop and house (Misegura) where visitors can enjoy a cup of tea while taking in a standing exhibit.


  • Koga Machikado Art Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ibaraki Koga-shi Chuocho 2-6-60
    An art museum along Edomachi-dori Street in Chuo-cho 2-Chome, Koga City. It has a permanent exhibition featuring paintings and other work by artists with ties to Koga City. They rent out the second floor of the facility as a public gallery.


  • Isobe Sakuragawa Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Sakuragawashi Isobe 740-2
    "A renowned destination for cherry blossom viewing which is also famously known as the setting of Zeami's Noh song ""Sakuragawa."" Some 30 varieties of cherry trees come into beautiful bloom on the park's grounds in spring, including many rare varieties, and the park has been designated a National Natural Monument."
  • Koga Museum of Literature
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Koga-shi Chuocho 3-10-21
    A literature museum in Chuo-cho 3-Chome, Koga City. It has a permanent exhibition featuring items and materials related to literati with ties to Koga City, such as the historical novelist Nagai Michiko and the mystery writer Kobayashi Kyuzo. There is also a lecture hall and a salon that can be used for concerts.

    古河駅から徒歩10分ほど。ヨーロッパの山荘を思わせる外観の建物。入館料は200円。篆刻美術館、古河歴史博物館との3館共通券は600円。館内撮影不可。 古河にゆかりのある作家の資料が展示されているが、その多くは書籍類であり肉筆原稿などここでしか見られないというものは少ない。ちょっと驚いたのが鷹見泉石の曾孫・久太郎主催の東京社が発行した絵雑誌「コドモノクニ」。資料保護のため展示されている原画は複写であ...

  • Shimodate Koubou
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Chikuseishi Midorimachi 2-8-19
    A facility where visitors can learn about, make, and purchase Nipponham products located a 15-minute walk from the south exit of Shimodate Station on the JR Mito Line in Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture. The facility sells bockwurst, weisswurst, and other sausages; roast ham and other ham varieties; and bacon. The facility also sells exclusive Nipponham products sold no place else, like roast pork, boneless ham, and curry sausage. The facility offers homemade sausage making classes which can be reserved from one person up. The adjoining restaurant serves dishes made with original ham and sausage varieties alongside beers and wines.

    下館工房、とても良かったです。 事前に予約をすると手作りソーセージの体験ができます。 結構人気があるので予約もたいへんでした。 ひき肉をスパイスと混ぜてこねる部分から、ソーセージの肉を羊の肉に詰めて、ソーセージの形を作るところまで終わると、あとは工房側でスモークをしてくれます。最後に袋詰めして持ち帰りです。 スモークの待ち時間中に工房内のレストランでランチセットのサンドイッチを食べました...

  • Hasedera Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Koga-shi Hasemachi 5-1
    This temple is located in Hasemachi, Koga City. It was constructed as the ‘demon's gate', located in the quarter lying to the northeast of the castle, by Ashikaga Shigeujiin 1493. The wooden Hase Kannon, came from Hasedera Templein Kamakura, is enshrined here, and was a symbol of strong belief by successive lords of Koga Castle. It is said that it brings miracles of safe birth, child-raising, bringing good luck and dispelling evil and of advancement, and along with Yamato and Kamakura, is counted as one of Japan's three great Hase Kannon.

    古河駅から徒歩15分。 1493年、古河城の鬼門除けとして鎌倉の長谷寺から勧請して創建。1868年に廃仏毀釈の影響で廃寺となったが1914年に再興。本尊は十一面観世音菩薩立像。本堂は鉄筋コンクリート造で外観デザインも味気ない。かつての本堂は、一度廃寺になった後の1878年に茨城県五霞町の実相院に移築されたらしい。 大和、鎌倉、古河の長谷寺にある観世音菩薩は一本の楠から彫られたとされていることから...

  • Onogo Tenmangu Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Jousoushi Onogoumachi 1234
    Tenmangu Shrine of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture is one of Japan’s Top 3 Tenjin Shrines, and constructed by Sugawara Michizane’s third child, Kageyuki, it enshrines the deity of academics. On the grounds are figures of bulls, and many plum blossom crests, both emblems of the Shinto faith. The shrine houses many cultural artifacts, including the Prefectural Tangible Cultural Property Omiki Tenjin painting of the sacred ‘sake’ deity. Every year visitors pray for successful completion of their examinations here.

    入り口がよくわかりませんでしたが。小高い丘に鎮座する 天満宮です。天満宮につきものの 撫で牛さんは 新しく見えました。さざれ石。社務所には 老夫婦。暖かく迎えていただきました。

  • Shojoji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Koga-shi Otemachi 7-1
    A Buddhist temple in Otemachi, Koga City. It was founded in 1633 by Toshikatsu Doi, who was the lord of Koga Castle and chief minister for the Edo Shogunate. Gentetsu was the first head priest. The Doi clan's graveyard is at the Okuin sub-temple, and it has been designated a city Historic Site.


  • Hazan Itaya Memorial Hall
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Chikuseishi Kou 866-1
    A memorial museum located north of the Shimodate Museum of Art a 10-minute walk from Shimodate Station. The museum presents the life and works of Itaya Hazan, a ceramics artist born in Ibaraki Prefecture who was the first potter to ever be awarded the Order of Culture. Born in Shimodate, Hazan's childhood home is also preserved on the grounds of the museum. Hazan's round down-draft kiln, fed by furnaces on three sides and actually used in his studio in Tabata, Tokyo, has also been relocated to the museum, and visitors can see how Hazan worked and the tools he used. In addition, the museum holds special exhibitions and other events.


  • Yuki Sake Brewery
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Yukishi Yuki 1589
    A sake brewery established in the Edo period located a 10-minute walk from the north exit of JR Yuki Station. The brewery building was originally built in the Ansei era; this and the large brick chimney added on in the Meiji period are designated a National Tangible Cultural Property. Visitors can enjoy food along with Fukufuku, a traditional and renowned sake which has been brewed since the Edo period, served at various temperatures. Yuiyui, another of the brewery's famous sakes, is decorated with a design created by a local calligrapher depicting a thread ring surrounding the character for good fortune. Made with underground water from the Kinugawa River system, this sake is characterized by its mild flavor.


Ibaraki Areas


Just a stone’s throw from Tokyo, Ibaraki is a coastal prefecture that has mastered juxtapositions, where old shrines meet new scientific discoveries and traditional gardens are frequented by the inventors of some of the newest technology. Head to Mito City's Kairakuen - one of Japan's Three Great Gardens - in spring to experience the cellestial blooming of fantastic cherry blossoms at the annual sakura festival.

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