Shrine Spots in Ibaraki Area

  • Kashima-jingu Shrine
    355 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Kashimashi Kyuchu 2306-1
    Located in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture, this old shrine is said to have been constructed in 600BC, during the inaugural year of Emperor Jinmu. It is the oldest in the Kanto region and the head shrine of the approximately 600 Kashima Shrines across the country. The grounds feature a main hall, one of Japan’s Top 3 Tower Gates, pebbles, and a treasure hall with a straight sword designated as a National Treasure. The “Great Imperial Ofuna Festival” held once every 12 years is famous.

    The shrine is considered as one of the three most important shrines in the Kanto area and is said to have been founded in the 6th century the era of the legendary emperor Jimmu. The forest is...

  • Tsukubasan-jinja Shrine
    187 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Tsukubashi Tsukuba 1-1
    Tsukubasan-jinja Shrine enshrines the spirits of Mt. Tsukuba, a holy mountain in the eastern Kanto region. Its mention in 25 of the poems in the Nara period collection of poems the Manyoshu shows that it was well known even then but its history is said to stretch back almost 3,000 years. Tsukuba’s god and goddess Izanagi and Izanami give benefits towards marriages and harmonious unions. Many visitors come to the shrine for the New Year’s Eve and New Year festivals.

    An ancient shrine at the foot of Mount Tsukuba. Legend has it that the site of the shrine has over 3000 years of history. There’s a beautiful main hall and trails that go around the shrine.

  • Kasama Inari Jinja
    141 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Kasamashi Kasama 1
    Located in Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture, this shrine has long been the object of adoration for the god of rich harvest and mercantile success. Considered to be one of Japan’s Top Three Inari Shrines, it hosts 3.5 million visitors every year, and is one of the prefecture’s best spots for New Year’s worship. A number of religious ceremonies like yabusame and bugaku are performed during the “Kasama Chrysanthemum Festival” held in autumn.

    I was here with a cruise ship shore excursion April 28. This wa a restful place to be after the crowds and noise of other venues during Golden Week, the time of the Emperor abdication/ coronation...

  • Oiwa Shrine
    96 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Hitachishi Irishikenchou 752
    This shrine in Hitachi City, Ibaraki is located on the side of the ancient Hitachi Province sacred mountain Mt. Oiwa and has recently become popular as a spiritual hot spot. While the details of its foundation are unclear it is said that Mt. Oiwa was the birthplace of ancient faiths and that generations of lords of the Mito clan would visit the shrine to pray. It is famous for being a shrine rich in Shinto and Buddhism with 188 gods enshrined throughout the mountain, including the Tangible Cultural Property of the Dainichi Nyorai Statue and the Amida Nyorai Statue. You will also find growing on the grounds a three trunked cedar estimated at over 500-years-old, which has been designated a Prefectural National Treasure.

    Excellent Shinto shrines in the area. Beautifully maintained grounds. Bus access but limited times. Car is better. Plenty of parking and restaurants nearby. Lots of hiking trails in the area. Truly a...

  • Oarai Isosaki Jinja
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Higashibarakigunoaraimachi Isohamachou 6890
    The Oarai Isosaki Jinja is a shrine in Oarai Town, Higashiibaraki County, Ibaraki Prefecture, that venerates Ohonamuchi-no-mikoto and Sukunahikona-no-mikoto. The worship hall for the presiding god—a protector of domestic safety and safe naval passage—demonstrates the architectural style of early Edo period, and has been designated a prefectural cultural property. Also, the Kamiiso torii gate praised by Mitsukuni Tokugawa is first among big torii in the Kanto region, and is set on rocks in the sea, for a great view during sunrise and sunset. Shrine worship deals with the ocean, so the Oarai Sea Museum is located nearby.

    やっぱり、周りに遮るものがない日の出、太陽はパワーがあり、良いですね。 太平洋の岩礁に立ってある鳥居の「神磯の鳥居」です。周りに遮るものがない山のてっぺんからの日の出、太陽も素晴らしいですが、海からの日の出、太陽も良いです。 素晴らしい日の出を見ることが来ました。お勧めです。もうそれだけで十分です。気分上々です。

  • Sakatsura Isosaki-jinja Shrine
    75 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Hitachinakashi Isozakichou 4607-2
    This Shinto shrine is on Prefectural Route 6 in Isozakicho, Hitachinaka City. Founded in 856, it honors the deities Onamuchi-no-Mikoto and Sukunabikona-no-Mikoto. It was moved to its present location on the order of Tokugawa Mitsukuni in 1702. The precincts have stone statues of turtles dedicated by big lottery winners, and many come to pray for luck with hitting the lottery. The grounds also have a large woodland area that will give you a look at the special qualities of coastal forests.

    Sakatura Isosaki Shrine is a great location in Hitachinaka city. At first, You can see the fantastic tree-lined approach after passing through the torii. I would recommend taking a picture of...

  • Tokiwa Jinja Shrine
    119 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Mitoshi Tokiwachou 1-3-1
    "A Shinto shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Mitsukuni, the second lord of Mito Domain and star character in the fictionalized popular historical television drama ""Mito Komon;"" and Tokugawa Nariaki, the ninth lord of Mito Domain and a man considered one of the great intelligences of the closing days of the Edo period. The origins of the shrine date back to a small lay ancestral hall built on the grounds of Kairakuen Park in the early Meiji period by parishioners who idolized the two lords. Exhibits on Mitogaku, a school Japanese history and Shinto studies which emerged in Mito domain; as well as articles which belonged to Mitsukuni and Nariaki; calligraphy by the two men; and other historical items are displayed in the Giretsukan museum on the shrine's grounds."

    Tokiwa Shrine is located in Mito. It is easy to go from Mito Station. The shrine was built in Meiji era and is dedicated to Mito -Koumon. There are four kinds of shrines on the grounds in addition...

  • Hitokotonushi-jinja Shrine
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Jousoushi Otsukadomachi 875
    This shrine is located in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture. From the teaching that one will be granted a fortune once in one’s life, this shrine is famous for the deity that grants a requested prayer, even if it is just spoken once. Hence the Hitokoto Myojin, meaning One Word Deity. Constructed in 809 A.D., many visit this spot year round. One of the few shrines visited at New Years, it attracts around 150,000 visitors annually during the 3 celebrated days of New Year, during which many booth shops line the entry way.

    骨董市に行きました。 お皿を購入しましたが、値札シールを剥がしたら下に傷がついていました。悪徳業者も混ざっているようですので、お気を付けください。ちなみに店主は中年男性です。 神社のトイレはきれいに清掃されていたので、神社自体は良く管理されています。

  • Daiho Hachimangu Shrine
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Shimotsumashi Daihou 667
    "Established in 701, this is the oldest Shinto shrine in the Kanto region and is said to have been worshipped at by such famous military commanders as Minamoto no Yoritomo. Taira no Masakado notably visited the shrine to pray for victory in battle and is said to have been granted the title of ""New Emperor"" by one of the shrine's maidens. The shrine grounds are also a renowned destination for flower viewing and the grounds bustle with visitors when the cherry trees and hydrangea are in bloom."


  • Kokuo Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Bando Iwai 951
    This shrine is located in Iwai, Bando City. The shrine contains the sacred statue of Taira-no-Masakado, carved by the third daughter of Masakado, and is an ancient shrine that is over a thousand years old. Every year, on the second Sunday of November, the Iwai Masakado festival is held here, and a warrior procession of 100 people walks through the town.


  • Hitachinokuni Izumo Taisha Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Kasamashi Fukuhara 2006
    About a seven-minute walk from Fukuhara Station on the JR Mito Line, Hitachinokuni Izumo Taisha is a shrine for worshipping mainly the Okuninushi, dedicated in 1992. There is the main hall where the presiding god sits in repose, as well as the Yakushin Shrine for medical needs and Ryujya Shrine for protection from water. The grounds include multiple cemeteries—even a pet cemetery—for religious and funeral ceremonies, as well as a restaurant serving Inaniwa udon, a glass studio— “Izumokan,” and an art gallery— “Sakurabayashi-kan.”
  • Hoshiimo-jinja Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Hitachinaka-shi Ajigauracho 172-2

    幸田商店さんの見学と一緒にうかがいました。ほしいも神社 と 欲しいもの神社 をかけて 願いがかなう神社です。干し芋の自動販売機があります。

  • Shizu-jinja Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Nakashi Shizu 2
    This Shinto shrine is located in Shizu, Naka City. Although the exact date of its founding is unknown, it's estimated to be over 850 years old. The main deities it honors are the warrior god Takehazuchi-no-Mikoto and Shitori-no-Kami, the ancestral god of weaving. An autumn festival takes place annually from November 25th to 27th. Many visitors come at that time when they hold ceremonies like Tsuta Mai and Osasa Myojin. The hill on the western side of the grounds makes up Shizumine Furusato Park, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot.


  • Hitachi no Kuni Soushagu Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Ishiokashi Sousha 2-8-1
    A Shinto shrine situated on high ground commanding a view of Mt. Tsukuba, known as one of 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, and Lake Kasumigaura, noted as the second largest lake in Japan. Just when the shrine was founded is not clear, but shrine records state it was built on the command of ancient Emperor Shomu, indicating the long history of this holy site. The shrine holds the Ishioka Festival, known as one of the three largest festivals in the Kanto region, each year in September, and during this time the grounds bustle with visitors.


  • Toshogu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Mitoshi Miyamachi 2-5-13
    "A Shinto shrine dedicated to the mighty shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu which was erected in 1621 by Tokugawa Yorifusa, the first lord of Mito Domain. Today, Yorifusa himself is also enshrined here. The shrine owns many precious historical artefacts connected to the Tokugawa clan, including a copper lantern donated by Yorifusa, a temple bell known as the Tokiwayama Jisho which was caste on the order of Tokugawa Mitsukuni, and an ancient horse-drawn tank called the ""Anjinsha"" invented by Tokugawa Nariaki."
  • Nishikanasa Shrine
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Hitachiotashi Kamimiyakawauchichou 1915
    A Shinto shrine located at the top of Mt. Nishikanasa in Hitachiota City. The shrine is dedicated to Onamuchi-no-Mikoto, Kuni-no-Tokotachi-no-Mikoto, and Sukunahikona-no-Mikoto. The shrine building was built by the High priest Hoju in 806, after which a ceremony was performed to ritually transfer a portion of the spirits of the deities enshrined at the Hiyoshi Shrine on holy Mt. Hiei here. The shrine grounds are enclosed by natural forest and visitors can view huge gingko and sawara cypress trees designated Natural Monuments by the prefectural government. The shrine's Isode Tai Sairei festival, held once only every 72 years, is one of the largest Isode festivals in the country and has been designated a National Selected Intangible Folk Cultural Property.

    西金砂神社に到着です。 階段を登って拝殿に行きました。 それから石段を登って本殿に向かいました。 本殿までは、結構山道をのぼりました。結構登ります。 本殿は山頂にあり景色も最高です。 祭神は大己貴命と国常立命と少彦名命。大同元(806)年に天台僧の宝珠上人が,社殿を造り祭壇を設けて,近江国比叡山の日吉神社の分霊を勧請・祭祀したのが始まりとされています。

  • Onogo Tenmangu Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Jousoushi Onogoumachi 1234
    Tenmangu Shrine of Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture is one of Japan’s Top 3 Tenjin Shrines, and constructed by Sugawara Michizane’s third child, Kageyuki, it enshrines the deity of academics. On the grounds are figures of bulls, and many plum blossom crests, both emblems of the Shinto faith. The shrine houses many cultural artifacts, including the Prefectural Tangible Cultural Property Omiki Tenjin painting of the sacred ‘sake’ deity. Every year visitors pray for successful completion of their examinations here.

    入り口がよくわかりませんでしたが。小高い丘に鎮座する 天満宮です。天満宮につきものの 撫で牛さんは 新しく見えました。さざれ石。社務所には 老夫婦。暖かく迎えていただきました。

  • Kunigami Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Pref. Itakoshi Uwado 1551
    A Shinto shrine dedicated to Onamuchi-no-mikoto and Sukunabikona-no-mikoto located in Itako City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Records state the shrine was founded in the distant Nanboku-cho period (1336-1392). The shrine's annual festival is held on November 23. As part of the festival, the Uwado-no-Shishimai lion dance, a designated Prefectural Cultural Property, is performed to pray for bountiful harvests. The three lion masks used in the performance are believed to have been donated to the shrine in 1395. The performance consists of an intense dance by a male lion, a graceful dance by a female lion, and a dance which combines elements of the former two by a neuter lion, plus dances by a tengu goblin and okame homely woman.
  • Ikisu Shrine
    49 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Kamisu Ikisu 2882

    「鹿島神宮」「香取神宮」とともに「東国三社」の一つ「息栖神社」だそうです。 「東国三社」は、江戸時代に関東以北の人々が禊ぎの「下三宮参り」と称して、「伊勢神宮」参拝後に「三社」を巡拝する慣習があったというところからうまれたらしいです。 私も「三社」とも行きましたが、一番、ローカル的な雰囲気の「息栖神社」でした。地元の人が多かったかな。 で、観光的な見どころは、常陸利根川沿いにある「一の鳥居」にある...

  • Hanazono Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ibaraki Kitaibaraki-shi Hanakawacho Hanazono 567

    Hanazono Shrine is a beautiful and relaxing place in Kitaibaraki city. The sound of the river and a lot of green all around makes me calm. You can take a walk on the road in front of the shrine to...

Ibaraki Areas


Just a stone’s throw from Tokyo, Ibaraki is a coastal prefecture that has mastered juxtapositions, where old shrines meet new scientific discoveries and traditional gardens are frequented by the inventors of some of the newest technology. Head to Mito City's Kairakuen - one of Japan's Three Great Gardens - in spring to experience the cellestial blooming of fantastic cherry blossoms at the annual sakura festival.

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