Spots in Bandai Highland / Inawashiro Area

  • Aizu Yushoku Takazen
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun


  • Dessert Kawauchi
    6 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Gohyakugari 138-1
    A dessert cafe that has been a favorite of local residents for twenty years. The owners select fresh, seasonal ingredients and carefully create each dish individually without using any additives. Full meals are also available. Customers are assured of getting delicious food of high quality, but at affordable prices, so the cafe draws many repeat customers. It also accepts inquiries about group meals and banquets. Twice a year in late November, the cafe holds a special cake buffet for which reservations required.

    My family and I have had lunch at this little café near Lake Inawashiro on two occasions; the entrees are superb. The mixed sandwich is fantastically delicious and quite voluminous. The tomato...

  • Choshoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Mitsuwa Sanjogata 982
    Founded in 1603, this is the historic family temple of the Noguchi clan. It is considered No. 33 of the 33 temples in the Inawashiro region devoted to the Shokannon bodhisattva. The lotus flowers that bloom in front of the main gate during the summer attract large numbers of visitors. The famous bacteriologist Hideyo Noguchi (1876-1928) is buried here in a quiet corner of the temple grounds, along with his parents and wife. Visitors can apply for the workshops such as Zen meditation, hand-copying Buddhist sutras, listening to the Buddha's teachings.
  • Aizu Folklore Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Mitsuwa
    A museum devoted to the Aizu region, which presents the culture and lifestyles arose over a long period of time in the land among the mountains. Visitors can see and touch houses and furniture and see traditional houses that are National and Prefectural Important Cultural Properties, as well as various kinds of illustrated candles. Visitors can also try drawing pictures on traditional akabeko cow figures.
  • Seisaku Tea Shop
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi
    A restaurant renowned for its handmade Aizu soba noodles and its freshly made mochi. There are five flavors of soba available, and the Shosuke soba is especially recommended, as are mochi with zunda (paste made with young soybeans) and anko (black bean paste). Some seats inside the shop afford a view of Mt. Bandai, so that customers can enjoy their treats while viewing the scenery. The shop closes at irregular intervals, so it is a good idea to check before visiting.

    嫁が以前に一度行ったことあって美味しかったので行きたいと言われて訪れました。蕎麦と餅のセット1080円。 蕎麦は乾麺を茹でたやつかな?サービスエリアで出てきそうな奴。汁は好きだけど、蕎麦の方はわざわざ食べに行くようなものではないかと。 お餅が人気みたいです。出来立てで柔らかいお餅です。アンコ、ずんだ、大根おろしと三種。これも別に美味しいのかなあ?私にはただの観光地の茶屋のレベルですね。 この...

  • Bikyo-Shunsai Sanjo
    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Mitsuwa
    An artisan restaurant founded in 1972. Set amidst the beautiful mountains, lakes, and scenery of Inawashiro, this restaurant maintains the traditional culinary culture of the region taking the utmost care with selecting and preparing ingredients to create meals that are pleasure for the eye as well as for the palate. Customers can savor seasonal ingredients and the abundance of the region in their freshest form. Three specially prepared lunches are available every season, each of them made with painstakingly chosen pork, chicken, fish, vegetables and buckwheat produced in Fukushima Prefecture. The three types of seasonal selective lunch sets, that are designed to provide a perfect balance of vitamins and minerals, are very popular.

    野口英世記念館の隣りにある駐車場の敷地内にあります。テーブル席と座敷席に分かれていて、地元特産品の販売コーナーもありました。メニューは地鶏のたまごかけご飯あり! 蕎麦,ソースかつ丼、天丼、力餅など。ここでTKGを注文。スーパーの卵とは違い、味は濃厚でした。

  • Horaido Confectionary
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Kogai Numajiri Mountain Ko 2855-453
    "A confectionary that was founded nearly 50 years ago. In addition to being available at Horaido's retail store, these confections are also used as ""welcome"" treats in inns and as accompaniments to tea. The company maintains its traditional methods for manufacturing sweets, and its Sasa Dango (mochi filled with red bean paste and wrapped in a bamboo leaf), made with great tasting Aizu water amidst the region's lovely scenery, gives you a taste of history and natural fragrances among the simple flavors."
  • Yoshimoto Teahouse
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Shirominami 139-1
    A traditional-style restaurant that serves Wappameshi, a local dish consisting of rice and toppings cooked in wooden container, and soba noodles handmade from locally grown buckwheat. One of its specialties is Shugen Soba, made with chicken and burdock root broth in a hot soup, traditionally served at local weddings. Customers seated inside can view and enjoy a tranquil scene of rice paddies, and the north side offers a close-up view of Mt. Bandai.

    猪苗代でおいしいランチが食べたいとネットで検索し、予約していきました。 わっぱめしと、お蕎麦のセットを予約。わっぱめしは行ってから蒸していただくとのこと、熱々のわっぱめし本当においしかったです。わらびなどの山菜と、塩サケをかんまして(混ぜ合わせて)のコラボ最高です。お蕎麦ものど越しがよくおいしくいただきました。てんぷら、茶わん蒸しもつきヴォリューム満点でしたが、完食しました。磐梯山を眺めながらゆっ...

  • Okubo Meat
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Tsutsumi 4962-1
    A venerable butcher shop founded more than 80 years ago. Its sells mainly domestic horse meat with the coveted highest quality rating, certified as the Aizu brand. It also sells other high-quality meat, such as Utsukushima Egoma pork and Fukushima beef, as well as processed meat products and side dishes made onsite. Nearby is the shop's directly owned shop that specializes in raw horse meat.
  • Senbeya
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Suwamae 6795-1
    This confectionary is famous for Age Manju, crisp on the outside and filled with moist anko (sweet bean paste). These Age Manju and Miso Manju are all manufactured by hand without any use of machines or artificial additives, so customers can eat them with confidence. The shop has only a limited number of the most popular products on hand, so it is suggested that customers make reservations before stopping by.


  • Yu-zan
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Shimizu Mae 2772
    A popular noodle shop that serves genuine handmade Sarashina soba made from the finest Kazami buckwheat flour without any thickeners. The 25,000-square-meter natural garden, spring water from 407 meters underground, and local Aizu-grown high-grade buckwheat make noodles with a pleasant taste and texture, attracting a lot of repeat customers. Passing through the entrance gate and entering the shop, which is built like a traditional storehouse, customers find a distinctive soba shop with antique furnishings and dishware that dates back to the early twentieth century.

    ここのお店は週末開店と同時に満席になるほど 遠方からも車で人が来るお店です 古民家風の建物の中にアメリカンアンティークが飾られていて とても素敵なお店です いつも湧水天そばを頂きますが なんといっても地下水がとてもまろやかで美味しいので 更科蕎麦も氷水でしめられて絶品。。野菜や山菜の揚げたて天ぷらと一緒にいただくと絶品です。。 おかみさんもご主人もとてもいい方で お店の雰囲気にもそれが出ています...

  • Okubo Shoten Aizu Brand Basashi
    10 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi
    A long-standing butcher shop, founded more than eighty years ago, that specializes in Basashi (raw horse meat). The custom in Aizu is to eat it with soy sauce flavored with flying fish broth, garlic flavored miso with mustard, or Sakashio. The shop sells cuts of Basashi noted for their quality, flavor, and freshness, including lean or fatty cuts and round steak, in addition to exclusive items, such as tartare, tategami (mane's part), tukami(short rib), and misuji (top blade).


  • Steak Restaurant Hakucho
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Nakakomatsu Shobudani
    A steakhouse, located amidst the splendid natural wonders of the Aizu area, that serves superior A5-graded Japanese Black beef fed and raised on rice straw and rice bran. In addition to beef, the menu also features pork and Basashi (raw horse meat). The restaurant is proud to serve rice grown in its own paddies, and both the rice and the meat earn high marks from customers.
  • Midori no Mura
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Osada Higashi Nakamaru 344-4
    A facility that lets visitors enjoy the natural wonders of Inawashiro by eye and by ear. The facility includes Aquamarine Inawashiro Kawasemi Aquarium, with exhibits that replicate the original environments of native freshwater species that can be seen in Fukushima Prefecture. There is also a hands-on section where visitors can try their hand at woodworking or pottery. A fishing hole and a barbecue shelter are available as well, and visitors of any age can enjoy this facility.
  • cafe comaya
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Iwasato Ueno 2696-1
    A cafe that began in 2005 as a tiny establishment in Bandai Town at the foot of Mt. Bandai. It has earned praise for its sweets made from freshly pressed soymilk, fresh tofu, and warm soybean pulp. Inside the cafe is a shop that sells handmade goods.

    お昼過ぎの13:30頃に行きました。週末ということもあったのか、店内は満員で15分ほど待って店内へ。 かなりおしゃれな佇まいで、オーナーさんのセンスの良さを感じる雰囲気です。しかも、目の前には釣り堀もあり、長閑な景色を見下ろしながら美味しいコーヒーやスイーツを楽しむことができます。 コーヒーはおかわり自由。 パンケーキが人気のようです。豆乳を使ったスイーツにこだわりをお持ちのようで豆乳パンケーキや...

  • Stained Glass Atelier Joy House
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Fudo 34-21
    A specialized workshop in Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture that manufactures stained glass. It can meet many kinds of customers' requests, from true illustrated stained glass, made with classical European techniques to purely decorative Tiffany-style objects. The workshop offers three kinds of experiential learning courses, everything from brief experiences for those who don't have time for anything else to full-fledged courses that require participants to lodge in the area.
  • Inawashiro Municipal Mt. Bandai Farm
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Wataba
    A municipally managed farm planted with some 200 Yoshino cherry trees. When they bloom in the spring, the result is a route lined with cherry blossoms. Since the farm lies along a public highway, visitors should not park on the highway but in the parking lot on the grounds of the farm. Visitors can also see cattle grazing freely in the green Bandai Highlands, and there is a 2.5-hectare field of buckwheat. The white buckwheat blossoms make a splendid sight when they bloom in September.
  • Sports Pal
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Yama-gun Inawashiromachi Hayama 7105
    An outdoor leisure facility located only a three-minute walk from the Inawashiro Ski Resort on Mt. Aizu Bandai overlooking Lake Inawashiro. In the summer, the activities including hiking, climbing, paragliding, and other activities centered on Mt. Bandai. In the winter, visitors take up skiing and snowboarding, so that leisure activities and sports can be enjoyed throughout the year. Of course, lodging is available, and the package deals that combine lodging and lessons are especially recommended.
  • Mt. Bandai Enichiji Museum, the ruins of the Kondo of Enichiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Bandai Machi Bandai Teranishi 38
    Ever since 1969, when it was designated a National Historic Monument, Enichiji Temple has received heightened interest from the townspeople, due to its history as a cradle of Buddhist culture. The whole community has come together to preserve and protect the ruins of the temple. In order to prevent the scattering and destruction of the cultural treasures, the museum was opened in 1987 to preserve, publicize and make use of these objects. It traces the 1200-year history of the temple and displays artifacts excavated from the ruins.
  • Ryofu Pass
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Yama-gun Kitashiobaramura
    A pass on the Bandai-Azuma Lake Line, which runs through wooded lands, giving visitors a view of the three lakes (Lake Hibara, Lake Onogawa, and Lake Akimoto) that were formed by the eruption of Mt. Bandai. From the 870-meter above sea level pass, Lake Hibara and Lake Onogawa can be seen straight ahead. The area's autumn leaves are especially beautiful. The road is closed between mid-November and late April.

Fukushima Areas


Fukushima is a blend of fantastic scenery, delectable sake, and kaleidoscopic colors. This nature-rich prefecture displays its splendor from the hidden Abukuma Cave underground right to the top of its sky-high mountain road, known as the Bandai-Azuma Skyline.

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