Orchard Spots in Japan

  • Kankou Nouen Nanrakuen
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Osaka Sakaishi Minami-ku Bessho 1457
    Take the Nankai bus to Yokoyama High School from the Nankai Koya Line's Toga-Mikita Station. The park is approximately 700 meters walk from the Bessho Minami bus stop. The park covers an area about three times the size of the Koshien Stadium, and visitors to the park can enjoy harvesting various fruits and vegetables depending on the season, such as strawberries, oranges, pears, grapes and sweet potatoes. The fruits and vegetables are grown using organic fertilizer, with as little pesticide as possible. The park is also home to a famous cafe, Cave Cafe Kagashi, which makes use of a war-time cave that was used by the army to store medicines. Direct buses are available on Sundays and national holidays from September to November.

    夏休みに家族連れでぶどう狩りに行きました。食べ頃のぶどうを切ってその場で食べるのはとてもよい経験になります。ぶどうを冷やして食べるための冷水とお椀を用意しておくと便利かと思います。駐車場完備です。 釣り池もあり、大きめの金魚がたくさんいるのですが、うどんのような餌と釣竿での金魚つりは、子供に大人気!餌がよいのか、どの子も10匹くらい軽く連れて大はしゃぎ。1匹100円と袋代50円で持ち帰れます。長め...

  • Katano Strawberry Farm
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Hadanoshi Tokawa 1063
    Opened in 2012, this strawberry farm is located in Hadano City. Inside the spacious greenhouses different kinds strawberries are grown, such as yayoihime and benihoppe varieties. This farm uses elevated beds so you can pick strawberries without crouching, and the aisles are wide enough for strollers or wheelchairs. One can also request unscheduled shipping for gifting strawberries.
  • Kaga Fruits Land
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yutakamachi B 59-1
    A place where you can enjoy fruit-picking all year long, Kaga Fruits Land features a vast lot with a roofed barbeque area for rainy days, which is quite popular. Not only can you see, touch, and pick in-season fruits, you get to savor the taste of fresh ripe fruit. The genuine pizza cooked in a stone kiln is great for lunch. About 15 minutes by car via Kaga Interchange or Katayamazu Interchange on the Hokuriku Expressway.
  • Kaminoyama Tourism Fruit Garden
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Pref. Kaminoyamashi Mikami Handouro 1241-47
    This orchard is on the Fruit Line in Mikamiaza Handoro, Kaminoyama City. They host all-you-can-eat cherry picking from early June to mid-July, featuring the popular satonishiki, kiminishiki and taishonishiki varieties (reservations not required). According to the season you can pick other types of fruit too, including grapes, apples, pears, peaches, and rare, high-grade gekko plums.

    山形県上山市にある『山形チェリーランド』 6月初旬-7月下旬まで、さくらんぼ狩りのシーズン さくらんぼ狩りに初訪問 料金は[通常コース]佐藤錦など 40分食べ放題、大人¥1600 広大な敷地に沢山の品種のさくらんぼの木がある この農園で造った「大将錦」 「貴美錦」「初夏の香」など珍しい品種もあり [特別コース]にすると珍しい品種も 食べ放題に入る 通常コースで今の時期は「佐藤錦」が旬 「初夏...

  • Shukuzawa Fruits Farm
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamanashi Pref. Koushushi Enzanshimohagihara 2104
    This orchard is located a three-minute drive from Enzan Station on the JR Chuo Line. Guests can enjoy picking a number of carefully-selected varieties of cherry from the end of May, as well as plums from the end of June and grapes starting in August. When harvests overlap, the orchard also offers discounts for picking two types of fruit. We recommend the all you can eat while seated option.
  • Hiramatsu Kanko Agurisu Hamanako
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Hiramatsuchou 2014-1
    Visitors at this venerable tourist farm in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture can enjoy eating all the ripened strawberries (including Beni-Hoppe and Akihime) they want for 30minutes. The farm also features a farmer's market, Fureai Ichiba, which offers seasonal fruit and vegetables and other items. The farm, which is visited by many tourists, is open from December to around May.
  • Koka Strawberry House
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachoutakano 2209
    A strawberry farm located in Takano Koka-cho, Koka City. The farm grows the popular Akihime strawberry variety inside greenhouses. From January to the late May, the farm offers a 30 minute all-you-can-eat strawberry picking course.

    時期的にどの農園も予約でいっぱいの中、何とか予約を取ることが出来ました。 人が少なく、貸しきりの様な時間帯もあり、ゆっくり食べることが出来ました。 1歳の娘も始めてのイチゴ狩りに大興奮していました♪

  • Fruits Line
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi
    The 14-km stretch of Fukushima Prefectural Highway No. 5, which runs along the foot of the Azuma Mountain Range, is lined with fruit orchards where you can pick cherries, peaches, pears, grapes, apples, and other fruits in each season.
  • Shiki no Sato Strawberry Farm
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi Arai Mizubayashi 21-2
    This fruit farm grows sweet and delicious Tochiotome strawberries. It also offers strawberry picking from the second Saturday of January to late May. The farm closes as soon as the harvest quota for the day is reached. Whether the farm opens each day depends on how well the strawberries are growing. As such, you will want to contact the farm before coming. Service is first-come, first-served.


  • Shishido Ringoen
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi Tsuchifune Nishi 16-1
    This fruit farm offers fruit picking all year long. Guests can enjoy sweet and juicy fruits including cherries from early June to early July, peaches from late July to early September, and apples from early September to early December. There is also a farmer's market where visitors can purchase fruit as souvenirs.

    子供を連れて桃狩りに行きました。 福島市のフルーツライン沿いにあり、立ち寄りやすいです。 福島の桃は暁が有名ですが、それ以外にもたくさんの種類の桃を作っていて 食べ比べすることができました。とりたての桃はパリッとした触感でみずみずしく とてもジューシー。本当においしくて、子供と一緒に沢山いただきました。 直売所で売っている桃も安く手、自宅へのお土産用に購入しました。

  • Maruyoshi Tourism Orchard
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi Iizakamachi Hirano Nakano Dan 10-1
    A tourism-oriented orchard that grows cherries, blueberries, peaches, grapes, and apples. Each of the varieties of fruit (10 varieties of grapes are grown there) is available for picking in season until there are no more left. Individual visitors do not need to make reservations, but groups of ten or more should make reservations by phone or over the internet. Only individual visitors can enjoy picking blueberries.


  • Sweet Cherry Watanabe
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Sagae-shi Nishi Neshita Seki 552-1
    This cherry orchard is located in Nishine Shitazeki, Sagae City. Between late May and early July, you can go cherry picking (reservation required). There is also a shop and cafe selling processed goods such as cherry jam. The large roadside station “Cherryland Sagae” is accessible in a few minutes by car.
  • Ganso Tendo Tourist Orchards
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Tendo-shi Kamioginoto 807
    This tourist orchard offers guests the chance to harvest a variety of seasonal fruit. Guests can pick cherries from early June to mid-July, grapes from mid-August to mid-November, and apples from early October to mid-November. Most of the farm is located under rain covers, allowing guests to enjoy fruit picking rain or shine.
  • Strawberry Farm Felice
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Yasu-shi Hie 2269
    This strawberry farm is located 20 minutes from the Ritto Interchange on the Meishin Expressway. Here you can enjoy strawberry picking each year from late December to early May. On spacious 8,500 square meter grounds, the farm grows its strawberries with reduced amounts of agricultural chemicals using mineral-rich deep ocean water, a natural Chinese medicine liquid, and beer yeast as fertilizer. The farm's strawberries are grown using raised planters standing around a meter off the ground, making it possible to pick them without bending over; they can also be eaten as-is without having to wash them. Thick tarps on the ground in the farm's greenhouses make it possible for wheelchair users and those pushing baby strollers to go strawberry picking as well.
  • Ichigo House Koba
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kagoshima Ichikikushikino-shi Ozato 648
    This strawberry farm is located about a seven-minute drive from Ichiki Station. The farm grows two types of strawberries; Saga Honoka, which have little sourness and high sugar content, and Benihoppe, which are characterized by their juiciness. The farm grows their strawberries in carefully-cultivated soil rather than in a more easily managed hydroponic medium in order to maximize their fragrance and richness of their strawberries. Thanks to the farm's efforts to use as little agrochemicals as possible, it is possible to eat their strawberries without needing to wash them first.


  • Strawberry Field
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Shizuoka-shi Shimizu-ku Zo 259
    "This strawberry farm is located roughly 20 minutes by car from the Shimizu Interchange on the Tomei Expressway. Since its founding in 1907, it has been cultivating stone wall strawberries using the sloped land and stone walls to get the strawberries more sunlight to bask in. A key feature is the no-time-limit all-you-can-eat deal in which you can enjoy their proud ""stone wall strawberries"" in which deliciousness has been pursued. In the adjacent cafe space, they sell sweets fully using freshly picked strawberries. The ""special strawberry parfait"", which luxuriously uses a full pack of strawberries, is available only on Saturdays and Sundays, with only five available per day-a really rare treat."

    名物の石垣いちごの農園でカフェが併設されています、今回はカフェでイチゴのパフェ(1000円)を頂きました。 平日でしたが、いちご狩りのお客さんは次々と来園されてました。 昔ヘレンケラー女史が来園された事が有るそうです。

  • Okada Strawberry Farm
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Suzuka-shi Mihatacho 5141-1
    This strawberry farm is situated on Prefectural Route 27 in Mihata-cho, Suzuka City. The farm offers 60-minute all-you-can-eat strawberry picking; an advance reservation is required for Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and during periods of consecutive holidays. The farm is also open at night and visitors can enjoy reservation-only nighttime strawberry picking.

    大満足のいちご狩り ツアーバスで行きました 到着すると、バスの中でヘタを入れるビニール袋が配られます そして係の方から説明があります 靴はスリッパに履き替えるようですが、大人数だったため、ヒールの方のみスリッパ 大きなカバンなどはイチゴに傷がつき、持ち帰り防止の為にもバス車内またはロッカーに預けます 携帯、貴重品は持ち込みOK 持参の練乳もOKですが、入口で売ってました ただ練乳付けなくてもイチゴ...

  • Minamichita Green Valley Ikoi no Noen
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Chitagunminamichitachou Utsumi Uchikoshi 39-1
    This tourist fruit farm is located inside of the Minamichita Green Valley outdoor recreation complex. Visitors with a reservation can enjoy harvesting a variety of different fruits and vegetables depending on the season. July to late August is the blueberry picking season. September to November is potato harvesting season. October to November is mandarin orange picking season. December to April is strawberry picking season. The farm also offers dragnet fishing experiences on the coast at Utsumi Higashihama Beach. Participants can even grill and eat the fish they catch on the coast at Green Valley's barbecue area.


  • Tsukiyono Maruka Cherry Farm
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gunma Pref. Tonegunminakamimachi Shimodu 1562
    A cherry fruit farm located a five-minute drive from the Tsukiyono Interchange on the Kan-Etsu Expressway. From June to July, visitors can enjoy a pick and enjoy between three and nine varieties of cherries during a 30 minute all-you-can-eat session. All of the farm's cherries are grown in greenhouses with roofs, ensuring you can stay dry even on rainy days. The farm grows its trees in such a way that their branches are low to the ground, ensuring everyone, from children to senior citizens, can easily enjoy cherry picking. In addition to cherry fruit, the farm also offers all-you-can-eat grape and blueberry picking. Note, however, that blueberries are grown outdoors and thus you should check the weather before you come if you want to pick blueberries. The farm's shop sells fruit for taking home as gifts and souvenirs.


  • Kawashima Strawberry Farm
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Iseharashi Koinaba 969
    This strawberry farm is in Koinaba, Isehara City. They cultivate strawberries using organic fertilizer, and you can enjoy strawberry-picking without a reservation (reservation required for groups) from January to May. There is also a wholesaler that sells vegetables and rice nearby.

    ゴールデンウィークに行きました。じゃらんのクーポンが使えました。 イチゴの量が少なくなっていましたが、満足しました。練乳付で練乳のおかわりもできました。

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